Toheart Fan Sign

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"Let's take a short break," the staff manager said. The fans who were next in line grumbled but Woohyun smiled at them.

"It's okay," Woohyun said to his fans. "We're going to take a short break and be right back!!"

"Ye~ Don't go anywhere!" Key called after them.

After throwing a bunch of hearts and telling their fans that they love them and all that stuff, they finally stopped.

Jihyun waited until her brother was out of his fans' sight.

"Oppa!!" Jihyun frowned.

"Ne, Princess," Woohyun answered.

She punched him in the shoulder. "Don't try to suck up to me. It won't work."

She huffed. "This is why I get in trouble! You're too arrogant."


Jihyun crossed her arms.

"You have to thank your fans more!! They waited for a long time for you to show up! It hurts your legs to stand for a long time and if you sit, it hurts your butt because it's uncomfortable!"

Woohyun pinched her cheek, laughing, "Aigoo!! My little sister is so cute!!"

"Oppa..." Jihyun sighed.

"Araso, araso, oppa will do what you said. Okay?"

Jihyun smiled.

Woohyun felt a light happiness in his chest. She was happy.

The break ended and he doubled his fan service during the rest of the fansign. Right before it was over, he and Key had to talk to the fans a bit.

"Thank you for coming!! We love you!" Key called. "Please continue to show Toheart a lot of love!!"

The fans cheered.

"Please be careful on your way home," Woohyun added. "I know it must be hard to wait for us all morning so I'm very thankful. Please take care of your health. Toheart fans, thank you. Inspirits, thank you. SHINee world too, thank very much. I love you!!!"

The fans cheered loudly. When it quieted a bit, someone yelled "Oppa! Can we have a photo time?!!"

Woohyun was about to leave, but thought better and brought the mic back to his lips. He knew the staff wasn't letting them take pictures.

"Of course! Are they not letting you? Just take pictures!!"

Suddenly there were dozens of phones and cameras put snapping photos. Woohyun smiled at them and made eye contact with as many as he could.

Jihyun peeked out at them. Her brother was doing great! He wasn't only doing fan service, he was really enjoying it. She laughed at how flustered the staff had become with so many cameras clicking at once.

When it was finally over, Jihyun ran up to meet with her brother. "Oppa!!"

She held up her hand and he slapped it with a grin.

"Your oppa is amazing," He said proudly.

She pulled her hand away. "Nope. You just ruined it."

His jaw dropped. Approaching them, Key burst out laughing.

"Yah! Woohyun! How could you switch back to being arrogant so soon?!" Key exclaimed with a grin. He wrapped his arm around Jihyun's shoulder and they walked off.

Woohyun stood in shock a while.

Then he looked up and saw one of his best friends' arm around his baby sister. He caught up pulled Jihyun away from Key. "Yah! Kim Keybum! What do you think you are doing right now?"

Jihyun laughed. Key smirked at her then turned to Woohyun. "Wae? I can't get close to your sister?"

Woohyun crossed his arms. "Nope."

"Why not?" Key laughed.

By this time, Woohyun's manager was getting impatient. They were going to be late for their next schedule if they kept this up.

"Keybum!  Woohyun! Let's go!!" He waved them over.

Woohyun shrugged and dragged his sister along too. In the car, they turned on the radio.

"Who do you like, Jihyun? SHINee or Infinite?" Key asked as he flipped through CDs in his lap.

Woohyun snorted. "Of course it's Infinite."

"What~?" Key complained. "Of course it isn't."

"What~?" Woohyun mocked.

Jihyun laughed. She grabbed her backpack and dug around for her cd. Her eyes brightened when she felt her fingers touch the cool album. "Jajjang!!"

She pulled out her album.

"I like... Teen Top!!"

The guys's jaws dropped.


Jihyun grinned. "Of course I listen to Infinite too!! And I like SHINee! But..." She leaned forward and popped the cd into the car.

"Teen Top is my favorite!!"

She gave a fangirl squeal as she put on her favorite song.

Woohyun gave his sister a disapproving look. He had expected her to be a total inspirit!! She was the most excited when he debuted! What happened?!

He tries to block her out as she sang along.

"I need you baby, baby, baby~~"

He leaned over so his manager could hear him. "Hyung is this our last schedule for today?!" He asked over the music.

His manager nodded, chuckling at Jihyun's dancing and singing.

Woohyun fiercely keyed away at his phone, sending a text to his members.

Woohyun: Let's eats together tonight!! I'm bringing a guest!!

Sungkyu: IS IT A GIRL?!?!!

Dongwoo: I want octopus!!

Sungjong: Ok, hyung.

Myungsoo: Almost done filming for the day. Good idea.

Hoya: Ok

Sungyeol: Why all of a sudden?


A/N: Yay!! Completed this chapter!! Thanks for reading!!

The camera event was really based on a true event. Woohyun is so sweet ♡♡

Anticipate the next chapter!!

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