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Woohyun reluctantly got up. "I get it, I get it..." He mumbled. He collected some of the laundry and dropped it into the basket.

"I don't understand how guys can live like this!" Jihyun exclaimed. She had been on a rampage all morning, cleaning and making the members clean. The dorm was a mess. It just looked filthy. Not as bad as their old dorm, but almost as bad.

Jihyun pushed everything from the coffee table into a big trash bag, holding her breath. She walked to the kitchen, rinsed a rag with warm, soapy water, and then she returned to the living room to scrub at the dried ramen and other stains off the table.

Hoya was busy cleaning up the bookshelf.  He placed the last book and stood up, stretching his back. "Eomma!" He called to Jihyun. "I'm done. I have to go get ready to leave now."

Jihyun stopped what she was doing and stood up. "Where?"

Hoya tapped his fancy white watch. "We have a schedule," He answered, walking toward his bedroom. "I'm an idol, remember?"

Jihyun bent back down to wiping the table. "Ah..."

Woohyun threw a dirty black button up shirt to Jihyun,  hitting her in the face with it.

Jihyun pulled it away from her face, scrunching her nose. It smelled like sweaty Myungsoo.

"Eww... Oppa, what was that for?!" She whined. She balled up the L-smelling shirt and chucked it back at Woohyun.

"You can go too," Woohyun said, catching the shirt midair.

Jihyun acted like she didn't know what he was talking about. "Where?" she asked.

Woohyun dropped the dark shirt into the laundry basket. "We have a radio show to go to," Woohyun explained. "Go get ready."

"We'll see," she muttered.


Jihyun was surprised to see seats reserved for fans. There were also more cameras than she had anticipated. The station was empty though, besides the staff. Jihyun followed her brother to the back rooms as they looked over the script briefly.

Then they could hear voices as more people arrived.

"Jihyun, go sit down if you want a good seat," Sungkyu told her, skimming through the interview questions.

Jihyun nodded but no one saw it. They were all too busy. She left anyway.

The seats beside and behind Jihyun filled up quickly. It was a good thing Sungkyu had told her to go sit down early. There would've been no seats left. They were on Youngstreet radio with K.Will.

The small girl beside her fidgeted repeatedly.

Jihyun turned to her. "If you need to use the bathroom, I'll save your seat for you," she offered.

Some girls behind them snorted. The small girl shook her head with a nervous laugh. "No... I'm just nervous..."

She wore an Infinite headband and a homemade shirt. She held a fan sign in both hands.

"Why are you nervous? It's not like the cameras are recording you." Jihyun smiled.

The girl smiled shyly, showing a cute dimple on her right cheek. "It's my first time seeing them..."

"Ahh..." Jihyun nodded. She smiled encouragingly. "Don't worry! You look gorgeous!!"

The small girl blushed. "Th-thanks," she stammered.

Jihyun giggled and gave her a hug. "You're so cute!!"

The girl stiffened, surprised from the sudden hug.

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