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The first thing Jihyun noticed when she woke up was the music playing from another room. She sat up wearily and looked around. She had fallen asleep on the floor with her head on a backpack. She was still in the practice room.

Other than the music, the place was silent.

Someone had put a hoodie over her to keep her warm. She reached for it now. Without all the sweaty people dancing, the air conditioning now made the room feel cold.

Jihyun slipped the hoodie on without even wondering whose it was.

"Hello?" she called, walking towards another dance room. This was the room the music was coming from. "Oppa!!"

No response.

She walked quickly toward the music.

"Oppa!!" She called for Woohyun. "Is that you?"

She turned the corner and looked in.

Hoya had a hood pulled over his head and he was dancing to the music coming out of the speakers. Jihyun watched as he danced.

His eyes were distant as he moved naturally to the melody.

Jihyun soon was caught in a trance as Hoya popped and did his dynamic dance.

As the song ended, Hoya slowly became aware of his surroundings. His lone reflection, the sound of his breathing, and the girl in the doorway.

"Oh! Jihyun,you woke up!" He said in surprise. He wiped at his sweaty forehead with a towel. "The others already left. They couldn't wake you up... and you bit Woohyun when he tried to get you up."

Jihyun nodded slowly, still a bit lost after seeing his dance.

Hoya laughed awkwardly. He felt a bit embarrassed. He hadn't even noticed her. His eyes shifted to the floor.

Jihyun's eyes sparkled suddenly. "Hoya-oppa!"

Hoya looked up at her. "What?"

Jihyun's face broke into a smile. "Teach me how to dance!"

When Hoya didn't respond, Jihyun figured out the answer herself.

"Wow~~ Thank you so much, oppa!!" She exclaimed happily. She skipped merrily over to where he stood.

Hoya sighed, half-frowning, "Fine..." He didn't really want to because he was tired, but he didn't want to say no either.

Jihyun grinned. "Yay! What do I do first?"

Hoya smirked, glancing down at the oversized hoodie on her. "That's my hoodie," He told her.

Jihyun shrugged. "It's cold. And I like it."

Hoya scoffed, laughing. Jihyun started stretching like she saw the members do before they danced.

When she was done, she turned to Hoya. "I want to learn the dance to your new song."

Hoya nodded and changed the cd in the player. It was a smaller one than they used before and sat in front of the mirror.

They started with the chorus. As they practiced, Jihyun got impatient a lot. She kept screaming about giving up. But Hoya was serious as he taught... except when Jihyun made funny moves. So she kept going.

"No, your hand goes here," Hoya corrected when she got it wrong. He took her right hand and placed it over her heart. "이렇게. Like this."

Jihyun was breathing a little heavy and she could feel her quickened heartbeat under her palm from all the dancing.

"Let's take a break," Jihyun asked for the twenty-third time.

Hoya let her hand drop and walked toward the speakers. "Okay," He said as he reached for an unopened water bottle. He tossed it to her and grabbed one for himself.

Jihyun caught it after it sailed through the air. She noticed Hoya slide along the mirror to the floor. After he took a drink, he noticed her staring and stared back.

There was kindness and sympathy in her eyes. The usual fire was burned out and replaced by unexpected gentleness.

"Oppa, I'm tired. Let's go home," she yawned.

Hoya smirked. He had been wondering how much energy she had left. It was almost 3 in the morning.

They packed up their things and turned off the lights in the practice room.

When they left the main hallway, Jihyun felt tired again. "Oppa~~" she whined. "Give me a piggyback ride."

Hoya bit his lower lip. She looked heavy, especially because he was so exhausted. "Here," He said, "Give me your things. I'll carry them for you."

Hoya put her shoulder bag strap over his head and put her backpack over his own. He then took his hoodie from her arms and flapped it once before putting it over her head. "It's cold outside," He said. "Put this on."

Jihyun obediently put the hoodie on all the way. They continued outside and got into the car when his manager arrived. Jihyun sprawled herself down on the back seat while Hoya claimed the front seat.


Hoya shook her again. "Yah, wake up. Let's go inside."

Jihyun mumbled something he couldn't make out.

Hoya sighed, "Hyung take these." He gave the bags to the manager.

As Hoya carried the snoring Jihyun to the dorm, he remembered how thankful he was for his fans. If they were as crazy as some of the other fandoms out there, this would become a scandal. But all his loving Inspirits had gone home. There were a few gifts outside, and Hoya had his manager collect these.

Woohyun was asleep on the couch. This was his temporary bed until Jihyun left. There were some lights on in the house. The members had left these on for Hoya when he arrived.

Hoya dropped her on Woohyun's bed and threw the blanket over her. He looked at the space beside the bed. His favorite nightlight. A fan had given that to him... He quickly grabbed the light from the wall and walked towards the door.

"Ah..." Jihyun mumbled behind him. She stood up slowly, her eyes still closed.


Jihyun grabbed her towel. "I need to shower first, oppa. Why did you lay me down already?" she mumbled sleepily. She yawned then.

Hoya sighed, realizing she was now awake and not sleepwalking.

Jihyun walked past him towards the bathroom.

When she left, Hoya quickly plugged the nightlight back in and turned it on. "Fine... keep it."


A/N: Yay! Done! I wanted to give Hoya more time because I kind of neglected him last chapter. And I wanted her to bond with this dance machine more..

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