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Everyone walked out of the ice cream store with different flavors.

"What do you have to say to me?" Woohyun asked his sister. He blocked her exit with his arm.

Jihyun ducked under his arm quickly. "Thanks," she muttered.

"That's it?" Woohyun asked, incredulous. He followed after her, almost stomping like a kid.

Sungjong came in between them. "Hyung, thank you for the treat," He said cutely. Then he put his arm around Jihyun's shoulder and helped her escape Woohyun.

Jihyun laughed. She didn't need his help, but she was having fun.

"He's mean," Sungjong said, playfully making a face at Woohyun when he wasn't looking.

Woohyun was busy asking Myungsoo for a taste of his chocolate scoop. Myungsoo ignored him at first, so Woohyun kept bothering him.

"Yah! Lee Sungjong! Who do you think you're putting your arm around right now?" Woohyun called after getting some ice cream from Myungsoo.

Sungjong looked Jihyun in the eyes for a second, a small smirk on his lips. She felt a bit embarrassed, but she didn't want to move away. His eyes were so alluring.

"My arm is around a pretty girl, hyung," Sungjong answered. "Are you jealous?"

Jihyun laughed, hoping her face wasn't flushed red yet. It was.

"I'm jealous," Sungyeol said.

Sungjong removed his arm and stuck his tongue out at Yeollie. "Jihyun likes me better. Right, Jihyun?"

"Yes," Jihyun said automatically. Then she gave a small gasp, realizing what she just said. "I mean I--!"

"Too late," Jongie interrupted.

Yeollie pouted. "How can you agree so easily?"

They had reached the car and Myungsoo pushed the pouty choding inside while he complained. Sungkyu claimed the front seat next to their manager. Jihyun waited for everyone else to enter so she could get the window seat.

"Whatever," Woohyun said when everyone was in. "In the end, she likes me the best."

The members laughed at him. Jihyun laughed too. Everyone knew she wouldn't say that.

"What?" Woohyun asked, narrowing his eyes until they matched Sungkyu's.

"It's me she likes the best," Hoya said. "I'm the best oppa." He held out a thumbs up and smirked cutely.

Jihyun shook her head. "Wrong.. "

The members laughed at Hoya this time. Hoya turned away. Jihyun grinned at him and his perfect, sharp jawline. She was still holding a grudge against him for lying about not getting her a drink.

"Who is it then?" Woohyun asked. They all leaned toward her to hear clearly.

Jihyun looked at all of them. They looked eager. Woohyun was giving her a confident smile. She met each of their eyes then rested on Dongwoo's. She knew her answer.

"I like L.Joe," she answered with a grin. They all drew back in surprise. She bounced back into her seat and strapped her seat belt on.

"Yah! You can't do that!!" Sungyeol complained loudly. He pointed at her accusingly.

"Don't yell at her!" Myungsoo slapped his hand away.

"I can if I want!" Jihyun called back to Sungyeol. "It's my choice."

"All of you, stop yelling!" Sungkyu said loudly. He turned up the radio. Nell's 'Four Times Around The Sun' blasted through the speakers.

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