Promises Are Never Meant To Be Broken

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"I hope she's alright" Denryl said waiting for his girlfriend. It was their 4th Anniversary, he wanted to surprise her this time. He's been waiting for already 2 hours. She is supposed to be at his house at 8:00pm and now he is worried sick, the heavy rain makes him more worried. 

*knock* *knock*

Quickly he opened the door. There stood his beautiful girlfriend in a white  sleeveless dress that ends on her knees, "Akira! finnaly! I was worried sick, what happened? I'm sorry, I should've pick you up" he said "It's alright, there some car crash in the road that 'cause the traffic" she replied "ohhhh....anyways I have a surprise for you waiting at the dinning are" he said excitedly 

It was like there having a dinner at a five star hotel with the table, the mini chandeleir, petals of roses everywhere.......except for the foods. He pulled the chair for her like a gentleman would. "Dinner is served" he opens the lid "Chicken Nuggets my Lady" he said with a smug look "*giggles* just so to tell you, I saw that coming" they ate, they talked and they had fun

 " I love you Denryl, more than you can even think about it" No words can describe how happy he was. he went in front of her, kneel in one knee "In that case, would you marry me? We'll be happy together forever, I promise "

A loud boom of thunder is heard and all the lights are out. "Dammit" he cursed *riiiiiiinnnggg* "I'll get the phone wait here okay" "Okay..........." She said with a sad smile, though he can't notice because of the lights.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"D-Denr-ryl *sobs* you n-need to *sobs* g-go here"

"Mrs. Adler what's wrong? why are you crying? does something wrong happened?"

"S-S-She's *sobs* She-e's *sobs* My d-daughter is"

"Mrs. Adler you need to calm down"

She took a deep breath

"My daughter is caught in a car accident while driving to your house, I'm in the hospital were she is right now.....t-the doct-tor s-said......she didn't made it Den.....she's...dead....M-MY DAUGHT-TER IS DE-EAD *SOBS* AKIRA IS DEAD!" She broke down crying out loud.

"...........b-b-but she's................she's-" a tap on his shoulder stop him mid sentence

Akira stood holding a candle that only lights her face

"I promise that I would go. I can't miss our 4th anniversary right? Denryl, yes i would be happy to"

suddenly her smile reaches ear to ear, pointed teeth, her wicked smile

"After all. Promises Are Never Meant To Be Broken"


Kon'nichiwa! I made this story up but the idea came from my friend, thanks to him.

This is Emo_Weird_Mustache

S A Y O N A R A   M Y   L I L'  H U M A N S~

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