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"I want to fly" Said Kiva in a harsh whisper.

Her eyes were alight with the dreams buzzing in her head. The possibilities. She arched her back slightly outward, and motioned her outstretched hand upwards to emphasise her wish, eyes moving with her hand.

"I want to soar the sky, touch the clouds. I want to fly with the birds and sing with them" She continued.

"Alright Kiva" Miss Naderi cut in, clapping a little which prompted the other kids to clap as well.

"That was wonderful. Thank you. Now find your table"

Kiva flashed a big grin at the lacklustre applause then bowed deeply before wheeling herself to her table, unfazed. It was five minutes to the end of a school day and the other kids would have much rather be anywhere than art class.

"Homework! Due tomorrow and I expect no excuses this time" Miss Naderi said, resting her eyes on the two students who always had one excuse or the other.

In a single file order, the students left the class each picking up two pieces of A4 paper with their homework assignment printed on it. The hallway was bustling with students glad the day was over. Everyone talking to their group of friends or trying to shuffle their way out of the crowded space.

Kiva inched through the throngs of student, reading her assignment. Her head already filled with all the things she wanted to do.

Tell me your dreams.

That was all the sheet of paper said.

"My dreams" She said, clutching the piece of paper to her chest and turning the wheels of her chair with the other.

"My dreams..."

Oh, she had more dreams than could fit on the paper. Where would she start?!

"Over here Kiva!" Iona, one of Kiva's friends called out. They stood with a group in a slightly much quieter and less crowded spot

Kiva pushed past more students to get to them, most of the students smiling while paving a way for her to get through.

"What did you get?" Kiva asked enthusiastically, already pulling her friend's sheet from her hands.

Take me into your world. Draw your safe place.

Iona's read.

"She doesn't give much away does she? They are all so abstract" Iona commented, rolling her eyes.

Art was Iona's best subject. She never failed but never liked the attention she got when everyone oohed and aahed at how amazing she was with paint and pencil.

"What does yours say?" Kristoffer asked. "Mine's asking me to illustrate what kind of spider I would be and where. I hate spiders, yuck".

"She asked me to tell her my dreams" Kiva answered

"Oh boy. Are you going to draw yourself with a birds wings?" A senior passing by teased causing the group to laugh.

"Your mother will have you for lunch" Another person in Kiva's group said through fits of laughter.

"She's so very suspicious" Rita whispered.

"Tell me about it" Kiva complained with a roll of her eyes and her hand on her head.

"Yea but you know it's true. Old man Connell has been withdrawn ever since he rode one of the dragons into the sky. He's cursed" Rosa said, ending with a spooky whisper.

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