Dear Adwoa

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17. 1. 562. N. W

Dear Pa,

They've been giving me something which has made me stronger. They explained that my pregnancy is advancing faster than they expected. They think it's because of "an inconsistency between your homeland and the time of our world. Your biological make-up seems to still be attuned to the time system of your home land". It makes me wonder-

The machine is shaking violen- 


19. 7. 2022

Dear Adwoa,

Thanks be to God.

I am glad you're alive and safe. I receive all the letters that you sent me though I wish they were more regular. Your brother and sister are both doing well. Junior has not been quiet about his conspiracy theories ever since you confirmed it. At least it has returned some life back to him. He walks better now and has started dancing. He's even the leader of the dance team. I've seen a couple performances and they are quite terrible. You're not missing much. At least, he's well. Obaa Yaa made new friends. I like these ones. They are respectful and well-mannered even though they look suspiciously like Greg.

I am not as devastated as you think I am, sweet daughter. It certainly pained me that I couldn't have a grand ceremony for my daughter or even see who was going to help pass down the wonderful set of genes your mother and especially me passed down to you. But the thought that you are alive is enough to satisfy me. Can you return? I miss you terribly. Greg certainly did lie but he has paid penance for his sins the traditional way. We've all forgiven him (I haven't told him about your letters. Neither have your siblings. It's our own secret) and he explained the situation with you. He said the machine malfunctioned but he's working on a way to fix it so he can also send Obaa Yaa after you to keep you company.

Please let the Silver People know so they do not mistreat her or cause her to be with child. Remember to be polite. I have so much to tell you my daughter but the machine rejects more than one sheet at a time. It took me a while to figure it out but I finally did. I think the reason some of your letters bounce is because I am at home. It sounds so strange that a machine can know even if I am sleeping upstairs in the cupboard space above your room. The first time I received your letter, I refused to leave home except to buy foodstuff but nothing came. It was after a few months that I figured it out. Junior was so angry when I forbade him to enter the house for almost a year unless it was nighttime! Obaa Yaa and I had a good laugh! Your father is a genius!

Daughter, what do the dates on your letters mean? I look forward to hearing from you again.

Your Father.


31. 1. 562. N. W

Dear Pa,

Words cannot describe how your letter filled me with happiness. I cried for several minutes with the letter close to my heart. I promise to send you letters more than once a week. Now that you know how the machine works, I will keep sending letters that bounce. I am so excited Pa! There's so much here I want to tell you too but too little time. I'll send you another letter tomorrow. It fills my heart to know Junior recovered. I can fill my days with that happy thought.

I do not think it is a good idea to bring Obaa Yaa over Pa. I have a bad feeling about it. I still don't trust Greg. The way the Silver People treat me is as if they were expecting me. I mentioned Greg's name once a time ago and they were very strange. They did not encourage the mention of his name.

They will come for me in five minutes so I do not have time to write this letter and prepare for them. They have been fussing about me even more than before over the last two weeks. They say I am due in a week. They also fear the father of my child will return. He is also like Aunt Activist but they call him a Rebel Alliance Member. That is why he is akrsif. Thank you Pa for your kind words about my current state. It will make my days lighter as I prepare for the delivery of this child. I hope the Activist man will come for me in time. Each day, a feeling inside me that the Silver People will harm my child grows stronger and I grow restless. Pray for me Pa.

The date means: The 31st day of January in the year 562 of our New World.

Your Precious Daughter,


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