Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Cody's POV

I walked past my house. Ignoring the front door and going straight to the garage. My motorcycle was parked right where I left it. I smiled and quickly wiped away the layer of dust that had settled on the dark blue paint. I picked up the keys and opened the garage, driving it carefully down the driveway, before going back and making sure everything was locked. I didn't plan on returning here at all in the future. The house would rot away, forgotten. They could tear it down for all I care. It held too many bad memories to count. I took one last look and drove away.

I clicked the door open, feeling the cool air swarm around me as I stepped inside. Carmen looked up at me from her perch on the bottom of the stairs. She smiled and put down her sketch book.

"Where'd you go?" She asked, getting up and rummaging through the kitchen drawers.

"I just went to get my bike from my old house." Her eyes widened in fear. Any mention of that place terrified her.

"It's fine, it was really quick. No one was there." She looked at me and smiled, her eyes were still filled with fear.

"Well, I'm glad you got it. Now I won't have to drive you everywhere." She found what she was looking for, a small eraser, and went back to her seat, continuing to draw. I hung up my jacket quickly and went up to my room. Eli was there. He sat casually at my desk, typing something quickly on my laptop.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I asked slamming my door behind me.

"Carmen said I could use your computer for a story I'm writing." He said not looking at me.

"I want you out. Now." He thought just because he was on Carmen's good side, that he could get away with anything.

"What if I don't want to leave?" He twirled the chair to look at me, his black hair making his eyes look sinister.

"Oh, you better 'want to leave' real soon..." I snarled.

"Is everything okay up there?' Carmen's voice echoed up into the room.

"Just peachy!" Eli called back still glaring at me.

"Get out Eli.." I said taking a step toward him.

"Why don't you make me..." He said cockily, arching an eyebrow. I've been wanting to hit him for weeks, and now he was asking me to. I took another step, raising my hand, and the door opened. Carmen's eyes widened as she surveyed the scene. Eli sitting at my desk defensively as I'm about to punch him.

"Cody! Stop!" Her eyes flared between me and Eli. "Cody, what is your problem lately?"

Carmen's POV

I sat at the base of the stairs, the most comfortable seat for drawing, as I attempted to sketch a wolf howling at the moon. The face had turned out nice, but the rest was smudged from my hand moving across the page. I sighed and turned over the page, starting over, this time on a much easier cartoon sketch. I began on the body when the door opened suddenly, making me jump. Cody stepped in closing the door behind him. He was dressed in loose jeans and a red t shirt which perfectly showed off his sandy blond hair. I smiled at him and looked back at my paper, frowning at the random line that I had drawn when I had jumped. I put the book to the side and stood up.

"Where'd you go?" I asked curiously.

"I just went to get my bike from my old house." I froze, the horrible memories flooding into my head.


"It's fine, it was really quick. No one was there." The thought that no one had been there made me feel a little bit better, but I would still like to know where the second guy is. He could be anywhere. He could be following me for all we knew. I smiled, not wanting to worry him with my thoughts.

" Well, I'm glad you got it. Now I won't have to drive you everywhere." I found an eraser and went back to my spot. He sighed and went up to his bedroom. I stared anxiously at him as he entered, the door slamming behind him. Lately him and Eli haven't really been getting along very well. I think its because Cody is jealous or something, but I don't know. He just hasn't been himself since Eli got here. It's probably nothing to worry about. But still.

I heard Cody's voice say something in a low menacing tone.

"Is everything okay up there?" I yelled up the stairs, setting down my sketch book and walking slowly toward his door.

"Just peachy." Eli said sarcastically. I laughed slightly and stood outside Cody's door. There voices were too quiet to make anything out, but I could tell that they were angry. I breathed and opened the door. My eyes widened as I saw Cody about to hit Eli.

"Cody! Stop!" I blinked back and forth between the two. "Cody, what is your problem lately?!" I asked, raising my voice. He sat down limply on the bed, searching for a good excuse.

"And don't you DARE lie to me." He stayed silent. I pushed my loose bangs out of my face, groaning.

"Carmen..." He stopped, staring blankly at the floor.

"I can't do this right now, Cody. If you're not gonna tell me the truth, you might as well just not tell me at all." I said quickly. Cody stared at me in shock. He eventually gathered his wits, and walked past me silently. He stopped at the door.

"Eli. You have three days to tell her, or I'll do it for you." He said, just loud enough for Eli to hear him. I didn't know what they were talking about. But Eli flinched. Cody closed the door behind him. I waited to hear his motorcycle drive off before I looked back at Eli.

"You're my best friend, you always have been, you always will be, you know that right?" I asked, sitting down on the bed, staring him in the eyes. He nodded.

"I trust you more than anyone else in the world. So I know you won't lie to me." He gulped as I said this. "What are you hiding from me?"

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