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"Now, don't complain. You guys made me do it. If only you guys can handle yourselves and respect my classes when I allowed free-seating, this would never happen," Mr. Bong said when we were all seated in our new seats.

Something smells bishy--I meant fishy- already. Mijin was already whispering and giggling to Seokjin, who smiled at whatever trash she said.

That moment I decided to help my girl Seri: by making sure Mijin wouldn't be able to flirt with Seokjin. This would be my noble mission until Mr. Bong decides to change the seating arrangements again.

"Okay, now take out your sketchbook and you guys may continue your room designs."

I flipped my sketchbook open, trying to find my work. We were assigned to do a room design using three point perspective. I was almost done with my room.

Just a little more shading to do and my aesthetic Jedi sanctuary would be perfect.

"Jjin-ah, pink would look great on my carpet, right?" Mijin asked, profusely blinking I thought her eyes were a freaking Bigbang lightstick.

"Oh?" Seokjin glanced at her work, looking interested "Of course!" he smiled, causing Mijin to giggle and start blabbering in Hoelish.

Dammit, I gotta start my mission.

I tried thinking of what to say to Seokjin in order to distract her from Mijin. And figured the most classic way possible,

I'm gonna pretend to borrow his stationery.

"Hey Seokjin!" I called, causing his head to turn away from Mijin towards me.


"Can I have a pencil lead?"

"Sure," he rummaged into his pencil case and handed me a case full of pencil leads.

I took it from him and got one out from the case. Done filling it inside my pencil, I was about to return it to him when I realized that Mijin was already talking to him again.


"Yeah?" he turned his head towards me again, causing Mijin to stop.

"Thank you," I placed the case on his table.

"Jjin!" Mijin whined.

"No prob," he smiled towards me and looked at Mijin again, who was pouting.

I started coloring the frame of my 'bed' black, but Mijin was still giggling her wicked laugh my ears could start bleeding any moment soon. I turned around towards Seri and sighed. Seri shrugged and gave me a sad smile.

Poor Seri.

I decided to finally act again. I made an ugly long line on the ceilings of my drawing with a pencil.


"Hm?" he turned his head towards me again.

If he was a main object of a painting, an annoyed and ugly as frickelty-frickle-frick looking Mijin on his back would be the background.

"Can I borrow your eraser?"

"Okay," he placed it on my table and looked back at Mijin, who was tugging on his sleeve.

Done erasing the long line, which only took less than three seconds, I placed the erased at his desk and said, "Thank you," which he only nodded to.

Mijin was still talking, and was then talking about her labrador retriever puppy whom she named Molly. I cringed and pitied her puppy for getting such an overused name and having an owner that sounds like a duck. But Seokjin, was actually interested in what she was saying. I clicked my tongue and called to him again.

"Seokjin, eraser again?" I craned my neck towards him.

"Just take it," he answered, now only slightly turning his head towards me from Mijin.

I pretended to use the eraser, not even bothering to draw a useless line to erase this time, and returned it to him.


"Yep," he said.

I continued coloring my work and scoffed, waiting for at least a minute to pass so that I would be able to borrow something from him again.
As soon as I saw the long hand of the clock strike twelve, I called Seokjin again, this time with a grin on my face.

"Seokjin? Sorry, but.. can I borrow your eraser again?"

Seokjin turned his head towards me, again for the zillionth time in less than ten minutes.

"Here," he handed me the eraser, "You know what? Just keep it until the class is over. I have a spare one," he smiled.

Daymn boi why you du dis.

I took the eraser from his hand. Mijin, on his back, raised and eyebrow and smirked at me.

Oh no she didn't just---

Because of that, I thought that I might have to use another way to distract Seokjin from the creature on his right. I furrowed my eyebrows and made an irritated expression at Mijin.

Thinking of a topic to talk to Seokjin about, I figured that maybe I should comment at his work.

I glanced at Seokjin's work, which was a room with Nintendo action figures here and there, and was horribly covered in pink.

Yes, it was covered in PINK.

He's a guy for damn's sake! What is wrong with him?


"Eww, what kind of guy makes his room pink? Gosh, are you an eight year old girl or something?" I said, my face scrunched in disgust.

"What the-- Excuse me?" Seokjin turned towards me with an insulted look. And this time, it wasn't only his head that turned around, his whole body turned towards me and he had full attention on me.

And from then, I knew exactly how I should play my game.

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