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"So the theme is about finding home in the new millennium?" Seokjin asked me.

"Yeah," I answered, not even looking at him.

After series of denial and reluctance, we were seated in a fast food restaurant, discussing about what to do with our maquette. It was about eight on the evening, the streets were still buzzing but not very much inside the restaurant. There was a couple other customers but it was a school day, not a favorite hangout day for everyone. 

I gotta admit that the atmosphere between me and Seokjin wasn't the most comfortable one. I have been observing this cute waiter all the time, and I know Seokjin was stealing glances at our food buzzer.


Seokjin's eyes instantly lit up upon the buzz. He immediately dashed to take our order.

"This is mine, and the rest are your stuff," he said, pushing the tray away right after claiming his food.

"Thanks," I said.

"Yep-- wait, is there any salt there?" he asked, searching the tray.

"Salt? What for?" I furrowed my brows.

"For my burger, I like it better with extra salt," he said, lifting my food to check underneath it.

"No wonder you're always salty," I scoffed at him.

"Wha-- You know what, forget it," he said, unwrapping his triple steak and bacon burger.

I poked my cheesy fries with my fork and watched as he cut a small piece of his giant burger, but then took the larger piece instead and practically stuffed his face with it.

"Calm down, Rambo, war is over! You have all the food and time, you don't have to choke yourself like a pig," I said cringing.

His face turned red as he tried to swallow his food. He then coughed and chugged his drink down before slamming the paper cup on the table.

"What is wrong with you?! Why are you always making a fuss about what I like?" he snapped at me.

"Chill dude! You're the one making the big fuss now!"

"Chill? Maybe you chill, dudette! War is never over if it's with you! I was only trying to work this out and finish this project but here you are always yapping and making me look bad!" Seokjin yelled at me, his head bobbing everywhere and his eyes almost popping out of its sockets.

I felt all eyes in the room on us.

"You know what, if you keep being on arse mode like this, maybe it would be better if we just worked on our own!" he said, rising from his seat and leaving a jaw-dropped me alone on our table.

"Kim Seokjin!" I yelled, running after him and walking out the doors.

"Hey Kim Seokjin!"

I could see his figure still in front of the restaurant, walking away. I ran and grabbed his hoodie, making him stumble backwards and then furiously turned towards me.







For some seconds, dead silence dropped between us and the busy traffic played on the background.

"Look, I never meant to make you feel bad.." I said, exhaling a heavy breath right after.

"But that is all you do to me basically everyday!" he folded his arms and looked to the distance.

"I'm sorry okay, I really never thought that it would hurt you. It's just that.... Ugh," I stopped mid-sentence.

"What? It's just that what?"

Crap. Why you gotta push.

"It's.... I'm.... a... quarrel-er! I just like quarreling with people.. It's.... complicated."

He furrowed his brows, looking skeptic.

"--But! But if you're uncomfortable with that, I wouldn't do it again okay?" I said, raising my palms to fend off his rage.

He didn't answer for a moment and all I could do is grin awkwardly.

"You're a weird person," he gave me a cynical glance, "But okay, we're cool. I know you need me."

"I need you?"

"Yeah, you can't do this project alone, you need me."

"....Okay," I said, pulling my head away from him.

"Let's go back inside-- AND DON'T BE AN A HOLE!" he suddenly raised his voice, making me flinch.

"Roger that!" I answered him almost spontaneously in surprise, making him chuckle.

"But were you really going to leave?" I asked, pointing at his burger that he has been carrying around the whole time.

"Yes I was. I already paid for it, there's no way I'm leaving this," he said, taking a bite at his burger.

"But your stuffs are still inside there? Were you expecting that I'll bring it for you tomorrow?"

I waited as he chewed and swallowed.

"No, actually I completely forgot about it," he said, making us laugh.

We went back inside the restaurant. 

We were just about to sit down when the cute waiter suddenly approached us.

"Son-nim, I'm really sorry. But the other customers seemed a little bothered by all the noise you made earlier, so can you.... I'm really sorry," he said, bowing and standing still next our table.

"Oh-- okay we get it," I uncomfortably answered, packing my stuffs and grabbing my fries, getting ready to leave.

"Apologies," said Seokjin coldly to the room. He has got all of his stuff and walked away real quick.

I jogged to him and exited the place.

"Heol, did we just get kicked out?" he said, clicking his tongue.

"Awkwarddd.." I sung.

"I mean, we didn't make that much noise! People are so intolerant, they can't handle a bit drama but they turn on their TV to watch them! Aigoo, I'm pissed. Let's go," he said, walking towards the same direction as he did when we were fighting.

"Let's go? Where to?"

"We haven't finish our talk and I'm hungry. We're going to my house."

I was just trying to digest what he said when he suddenly added,

"And share your fries with me. I left my burger inside."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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