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"So you're interested in architecture huh?" asked Ms. Jang.

"Yes, actually," I smiled an enthusiastic yet somehow awkward smile.

We were asked to come meet out homeroom one by one to discuss our college plans, and what we should do to reach them, or at least survive. I really wanted to know if I still have the chance to make it, but I'm kept thinking of what if I'll only be finding out if I'm beyond help.

"Well that is....."

"Great, I think I can see it in you! Your grades in math are pretty stable, and you're always so creative.." she eagerly stated.

"Really? Thank you Saem!" I grinned.

"But, that wouldn't be enough for you," her tone suddenly lowered, building the suspense, "You'll have to 'sprinkle' something interesting on top of that."

"You need competition," she added.

"How can I--"

"In which, I just happen to have the perfect one for you laying around....... I swear it was right here a minute ago," she searched the pile of papers on her desk and rummaged to her drawers as I tapped my foot waiting.

"Here!" she slammed a colorful flyer in front of me.

I observed the piece of shiny paper that might hold my future.

"A maquette designing competition? Wow," my heart was racing as I continued to read the details, it all looked so exciting but also so frightening.

"Yes! And look who's holding it?" she asked, pointing on the poster and looking almost too excited.

"Whoa, talk about university goals!" I exclaimed.

But then it came to me: a national university is holding a competition? This is some real serious shizzle.

"But, I don't know Saem.. This is so overwhelming, I'm not really confident about my skills and the pressure and stuffs.." 

"Don't worry! A team up to three persons are allowed. It'll be much easier to work in a team right?" she tried assuring me.

"Well I guess so, is anyone else interested in this?"

"Actually, up till now, there's....." she paused and searched some list, "nobody?"

I felt nauseaus.

"But isn't there a few other kids who's going for architecture or something like that?" I asked, squinting a bit.

"There is, there are, actually. I've talked with Gu Junpyo, but he's got a seat secure in a private university in France,"

I scoffed. Does he invent the Hangul on his previous life or what.

"and it's written here that there's also Kim Namjoon from the class next door, but that's his second choice and he's more focused on his first..... Genetical engineering."

I felt like a deflating beach ball on my chair.

"Don't lose hope! I haven't talked to a bunch of people yet! I will bring this up to them and let you know if someone's interested," she tapped on my shoulder "fighting!"

"Thank you Saem," I walked out the room, feeling even more nervous than when I walked in.

I got back to the class and called the person after me. But left unattended, my class went nuts as usual. Some girls were braiding each other's hair, some guys were playing truth or dare, and some other kids were watching Babadook on the teachers computer. Seri, on the third group, waved and quickly moved over to make room for me.

We were halfway through the movie when Taehyung suddenly came to us and blessed Hoseok and Seongwoo a happy marriage. He said it was a dare, but the other guys said that there was no such dare and it wasn't even his turn. Soon enough everyone was laughing their arses off and no eyes was on the screen anymore. 

The last person to counsel then came back to our class and announced that Ms. Jang is giving us an early lunchbreak time. I was still wiping the tears from my laughter when I rose from my seat. I've totally forgotten about my worries and it felt as if the counseling has never even happened. 

That is, until I felt a pat on my shoulder.

"Hey, Ms. Jang said that you're interested in teaming up for the competition?"

"Teaming up-- teaming up with who?" I replied, completely bewildered.

"Me, duh?"

"What? But wh- why would you?" I asked in disbelief.

"Why would I not? I'm going to interior design."

Really Kim Seokjin?

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