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"Pray for me, Seri! Come on, pray for me!" I said in despair, clasping both of Seri's hands together and shaking them back and forth.

"Why? It's okay, I think the both of you can build a good team!" she said, laughing at my misery.

"No! It's just.... It'll mess up all of my plans, and he's just... Cooking Mama!" I answered.

"Look, just forget your feud drama, I've told you you don't have to do it. This is for your future! And haven't you been too hard on him? Give him some chance, he's totally fine!"

"He's totally fine is he?" I said with a mocking voice.

"What should I dooooooo," I buried my face with my arms on the table.

"Why would I not? I'm going to interior design," he said, folding his hands and resting his back on the lockers.

"Isn't there anybody else?" I asked him.

"Well thank you for asking, I just love to team-up with you as much too!" he said, throwing his hands in the air, "If there is, I wouldn't be talking to you!"

"But, Mr. Nam's class is having the college talk at the next session, so there's still hope I guess," he added.

"Great! See you later! Or not!" I pushed Seri and dashed out of that class.

It was then the next morning. By the time I arrived in class, the bell was already ringing and Mijin was already talking about some viral plushie. I was still catching my breath when I pulled my chair and sat on it. I retrieved my banana milk from my bag, poked the straw and started sipping on it.

"We have one job as a student: coming to school, and you fail it? Psh," Seokjin glanced at me from the corner of his eyes.

Great, now even my presence annoys him enough to stop him from talking to Mijin!

"Please, I'm just trying to enjoy my breakfast over here?" I replied.

"That is your breakfast?" he said looking almost disgusted.

"Yes and you can stop being jealous like... now."


"Come on Jjin-ie, don't mind her," Mijin rolled her eyes and started tugging on his sleeve.

"Yeah yeah wait a second," he said, brushing her off and making her exhale sharply before looking away.

"That is not even a real breakfast! My puppy eats realer breakfasts than that everyday--"

"Stand up!" Minsoo suddenly commanded. Apparently, Ms. Jang was already standing in front of the class. We cut off our quarrel and stood up.

"Say your greetings!"

"Good morning teacher!"

I rested my head on my hand, facing towards Ms. Jang and away from him. I hear Seokjin huff in annoyance behind me.

"Okay so just, do your best today, and try to behave.... alright class?" asked Ms. Jang.

"Yes Saem.." the class anwered, some dragging their answers.

"We're done then," she grabbed her clearfile from the table and walked towards the door, "Oh! And can Seokjin and Jiyoon come with me?"

My head perked up upon the mention of my name. I looked at Seokjin and our eyes accidentally met before we threw our faces away and stood up from our chairs.

Please tell me there are others, please tell me there are others. I chanted while walking.

I closed the classroom door behind us.

"So I have a good news and a bad news," said Ms. Jang.

"The bad news is that no one else is joining the maquette competition," she exclaimed. 

I swear I internally facepalmed myself. 

Let's just hope the good news IS good enough.

"And the good news is I just know that you guys would make a great team, fighting!" she continued, smiling at us too happily we were confused what to do. We ended up smiling awkwardly at each other. I felt my cheek muscles trembling.

She then left us standing in the middle of the corridors. There was a silent second filled with disheartenment before I finally looked at Seokjin and asked, 

"What now?"

"Now we return to the class. Later, we talk about this project," he said, preceding me and entering the class.

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