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"Class come on, you're already in the second year of highschool.. It's not the time to play around anymore, you have to start thinking about your future!"

"We're told not to play around and to adapt last year, so when do we actually play around?" I rolled my eyes as I spoke to Seri.

"Mr. Bong told me you guys behave better if we jumble your seats," continued Ms. Jang, "should we really do this?"

"Ssaaem!" the class whined in almost harmony.

"Okay, but this is your last chance," she skimmed at the class, "Now where were we.." Ms. Jang flipped on her textbook and resumed writing some weird space codes on the board.

Oh wait, it's just mathematics.

"Chanyeol is obviously so much cuter!" I heard someone on the back whisper.

"Are you kidding? Of course my husband Sehun is!"

"Your husband? Ppfffft---" a bunch of girls started giggling. 

But then, one of them accidentally snorted.

Mrs. Jang exhaled and turned towards us. 

"You know what, just go to your seats like in Mr. Bong's class."

The whole class murmured their complains in dismay, throwing irritated gazes at the girls.

"But Saem! It was only them, the rest of us stayed silent!" Jeon Jungkook spoke up.

"You were probably secretly playing videogames with Taehyung, so..."Ms. Jang massaged her temples, "let's just move okay?" 

"Is our class that bad? Every teacher seems to be so tired with us.." Seri whispered to me whilst getting ready to move.

I glanced at Taehyung, whose face froze wide-eyed and hands tried to hide his phone between his book.

"We are that bad," I replied, "Bye, I guess.."

Seri waved at me as I walked to the front part of the class.

Kim Seokjin was arriving at his seat the same time I was, and was acting like I'm as invisible as thin air. He actually continued to ignore me for quite a long time.

"Okay, now please finish page 171 until page 175," Ms. Jang instructed, "and you may discuss it with your friend-- only if you're really stuck! And don't forget to keep your voices low."

Hisses of paper rubbing against each other filled the room as we flipped through the pages of our book, and only the sound of friction between our pencils to our book is audible for a couple of minutes. But then a familiar voice started whispering,

"Jjin-ah, what did you get for number 2a?"

"Hmm, 0.75?" he answered.

"Can you show me how to solve it?" she leaned closer towards Seokjin.

"Sure," he moved his chair closer to her.

I looked away from them and thought of what to do while resuming my work.

"Is the answer for number 3.. four?" I heard Mijin whisper again.

Four? How is it possible for the answer to become.. FOUR? It's not even in the choices!

"No," Seokjin chuckled, "actually, it's one. Let's see what you missed.."

Wait, one?

"One?" I intervened, "You mean minus one?"

Their heads quickly turned to me. "It's one?" said Seokjin.

I scoffed in response, "Let me see what you missed," I grabbed his book from his desk.

"No, let ME see what YOU missed!" Seokjin stole mine too in a swift.

Our eyebrows furrowed as we tried to find each other's mistake.

"Come on guys, it was only the minus!" said Mijin, "Your answers aren't that different, why are you making such a big deal--"

"What?" Seokjin and I exclaimed in surprise.

"Are you seriously saying what I thought you just said--" I stopped and did some jazz hands to hold in my frustration.

"This is a multiple choice question, you get no points if you're wrong," he added.

"But you don't have to be so mean," Seokjin threw me a sharp glance.

"Before you turn into my parents, I think you should fix THIS first," I pointed at where Seokjin's answer became wrong.

His eyes widened and as he stared closely to his book that I was lifting.

"Holy--" he snatched his book from me.

I chuckled in victory and glanced at Mijin, whose head was emitting steams by now.

"So Jjin-ah," she said, "what about number--"

"Umm I'm not so sure about my previous answers now. I think I'll have to recheck, can you ask Junyoung for the meantime?" Seokjin answered, his eyes averting back and forth to his book.

"HA!--" their eyes immediately shot to me "---hm," I pretended to cough... or sneeze.

Mijin and Seokjin ended up doing their own work for the rest of the period, allowing me to do mine in peace.

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