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A/N: I'm not sure why this chapter is showed before the chapter titled "Forest" but just so you guys know, this chapter is AFTER the Forest chapter. 

Edmund wasn't sure what he was supposed to be feeling. He had envisioned their reunion so many times and he had imagined himself to be swelling with happiness or gratitute.

However...he hadn't expected the surge of anger overwhelming him. Looking at Juliet's innocent eyes, he suddenly felt so wronged and angered at her actions. She had always spared a thought for Titania but never for him. If she had really loved him as much as she claimed, she would never have left him so willingly. 

"You've finally decided to show up," he said a little snappily, unable to hide the slight tremor in his voice.  He hated being so unconfident infront of people but this was Juliet, his one weakness.

"Edmund." Juliet took a step towards him and he took a step back. Hurt flashed across her face but she quickly masked it. "Edmund?" she asked quietly again. "Is that really you?"

"Are you questioning my identity because you've forgotten how I looked like?" he laughed humorlessly. 

"Why are you behaving like this Edmund?" Juliet frowned. He wanted to much to reach out and caress her face but he couldn't bring himself to touch her. Her betrayal and abandonment still hurt despite his attempts to nurse it with alcohol. 

"You're asking me this question," he replied incredulously. "Are you not the least bit aware of why I'm in so much pain right now and for the past few weeks?" he spat out. 

Juliet's lips trembled and tears started flowing from her eyes.

Edmund closed his eyes. He couldn't see her cry. He would literally break.

"Why are you behaving like this Edmund?" Juliet asked quietly. "This is the first time I've seen you in weeks. Are you...have you not missed me?"

Have I not missed you? Edmund thought angrily. If you count me thinking of you every single millisecond this past week then yes, I've missed you. 

Instead, he said coldly, "You should have been aware of the consequences when you left me."

"I had no choice, Edmund!" Juliet cried out, biting her lips. "If I hadn't left you, Caroline would have made a whore out of Titania!"

"I know what you are implying." Edmund narrowed his eyes. "You think your sister is more important than me. You would rather I suffer than your sister. Do you call this selfish act of yours loving me?"

Juliet's eyes widened and all trace of hurt disappeared. She raised her chin defiantly. "I'm not heartless, Edmund. Do you not think that my heart wouldn't hurt for the choice I made?" She lowered her head. "Every day this past week, I've thought of you. You've no idea how much emotional pain I am in. If I had known it would hurt this much inside, I would have sought a different path."

"Don't you dare lectur-"

"Get off your high horse, Edmund," Juliet retorted angrily. She straightened herself and even though she was one head shorter than him, her presence made him flinch. "You would have made the same decision if the person at stake was your mother. In my defence, my abandonment wouldn't have hurt you either way. The haute's society's bachelor has his free pick of the debutantes. Me leaving did no one harm."

"Did no one harm?" Edmund's voice echoed hoarsely. "What makes you think I will forget you?"

Juliet lowered her head. "I'm nothing but a novelty to you and I know it. Once I leave, you will move on to a new person because I'm not an interesting woman. I'm not someone men would remember even after years. I've no exceptional beauty."

Edmund's throat constricted. "Will you stop with these fucking ridiculous thoughts?" he growled. "I repeat, I will only love you and I believe I've said it more than once. Why do you continue to belittle yourself?"

"I'm not belitting myself. I'm voicing out the truth," Juliet said, her eyes watering. "I'm the wallflower, the one thrown aside. I'm not fit to be Lady Aughust."

"Oh fuck," Edmund swore. The message was not getting through Juliet's head. He never knew her insecurities were so heightened but he should have expected it. Living with Titania probably dampened any ounce of self-worthiness in Juliet.

He looked up and was about to say something before Juliet stiffened. 

"What's wrong?" he frowned.

Juliet's eyes widened and her mouth opened but nothing came out. Within the next second, she collapsed onto the floor. A poisonous dart was stuck to her back.

Edmund swore and drew out his sword, his eyes flitting around the room. He suddenly spotted a shadow near the window and he pounced towards it. 

"Show yourself!" he commanded.

The person, obviously startled, started running away. Edmund jumped through the window and took out his dagger. As the person started running towards the forest.

Edmund held up his dagger and closed his eyes.

1, 2, 3.

With a swish, he flicked the dagger and it sliced through the heart of the person. There was a gasp and a gurgle as the person stumbled and fell to the ground. Edmund stepped towards the dead body and flipped it over.

"What on earth..." he spat out.

The culprit was Sir Bernard.

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