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A/N: I made this movie poster using a online software. I've no artistic skills but it looks pretty cool. (See right hand side)

"I'm worried, Juliet," Syvil admitted.

"About what?" Juliet asked gently.

Today, Syvil was going to get married to Duke Roman and he still had no idea about Syvil's pregnancy. Sir Bernard had promised not to reveal about it, probably afraid to jeopardize his position. Juliet didn't like the idea of lying to Duke Roman but she supposed this was the best way for her friend.

"I'm still not sure on whether to tell Freddie about it." Syvil bit her lips. "I can no longer look at him in the eye. I just feel guilthy whenever I see him. Should I even get married today?"

"I thought we discussed about it already."

"I know." Syvil's eyes watered. "But I would have to lie to him for his entire life. I don't like deceiving him. What if he finds out later? I will just be turned out in scorn."

"It's too late," Juliet said softly. "If you tell him now, he would certainly not marry you and you would be ridiculed by society."

"I truly don't know what to do," Syvil murmured hoarsely and touched her stomach. "I love this baby so much. It's just a pity that his father isn't the man I love." She the looked up. "Have you told your sister about it? Did she mind?"

Juliet shook her head. "Titania wouldn't care." And it was true. Besides, Titania had no right to condemn Syvil when she herself had affairs with other men. Juliet just gave up worrying about her sister anymore.

"Darling, are you already?"

Countess Andrea swept in, looking all regal and posh. She casted Juliet a distasteful glance before beaming at her daughter. "We need to get to the church now! Finally, my daughter's becoming a Duchess. Wonderful, wonderful!"

She then helped her daughter up from the chair and turned to Juliet. "Lady Juliet, you should go the church so that you can witness Syvil walking in," she added in a bright, artificial tone.

Juliet paused and looked at Syvil who was trembling. She needed to be there for her friend for moral support but that vulturess mother of hers would never let her near her.

"Fine." She nodded and walked towards the door.

She turned and waved at Syvil who nodded whose face was ashen pale.

"Have faith, Syvil," Juliet whispered and left.


As the bells chimed twelve times, Juliet took her place alongside with the rest of the guests. Titania was sitted on her right and Mrs Rosewood was sitted on the left. She felt oppressed but had no choice.

She spotted Edmund with Lady Irina, looking dark and handsome as ever. He gave her a small smile and she grinned reluctantly back.

Thankfully,  she didn't spot Captain Jack. She reckoned he wasn't much of a person for such social events and it would have been awkward. After his confession a few days back, Juliet was still shaken and left with doubts. She never knew her mother's past and now that she thought about it, her parents' deaths had indeed been suspicious.

Her thoughts were momentarily disrupted as the doors opened and Syvil walked down the aisle with her long train swishing behind her. Her father was next to her, guiding her towards the altar and Juliet noticed that she looked sick.

Juliet glanced at Duke Roman whose face was positively shining in anticipation. It was clear that he loved Syvil but would he really be so honorable as to raise another man's child?

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