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A/N: This chapter came about whilst I was having fever today. Also, a viscount is of a lower rank than an earl.

For days, Juliet couldn't forget the embarrassment she felt at the theatre. What a horror to be rejected so directly! Indeed, she must blame herself for harboring foolish notions about Edmund Aughust. Why would he fall in love with her?

Mrs Rosewood had repeatedly asked her about Edmund Aughust's sudden interest and with reluctance, she could only inform her that it was mere pity.

One day, Juliet woke up early in the morning and a sudden wave of dizziness overwhelmed her. Bile rose in her throat and she swallowed it back down. 

Suddenly, Mrs Rosewood entered the room and she clucked her tongue. "What are you doing in bed so late in the day? 'Tis not proper behavior for a lady."

For once, Juliet cared nothing about her step-mother. She felt slightly light-headed and her throat was parched. She tried to open her mouth to talk but at last, nothing came out.

"I was just about to inform you," Mrs Rosewood continued obliviously. "Sir Bernard has been kind enough to invite Titania and me to his countryside manor."

Juliet continued to stare mutely at her step-mother. Everything seemed fuzzy all of a sudden and Mrs Rosewood's voice was buzzing aimlessly in the air.

"Of course, we should give more time for the two lovebirds to be alone," Mrs Rosewood laughed. "'Tis why I decided that you can remain here for the next week days. I will bring Sophie with me. I assume you don't need a chaperone?"

Seeing no response from Juliet, Mrs Rosewood shrugged and breezed out of the room with her maroon dress sweeping the floor.

Juliet leant back against her bed. "Mo-" she began to call out before  coughing violently and was shocked to see blood on her handkerchief. Was she ill? Perhaps someone had passed the disease to her.

From her bed, she could hear the door slamming and Titania shouting, "I don't want to go see Sir Bernard! That foul, disgusting man!"

She heard Mrs Rosewood slap her sister and the clackering of the carriages as it moved off. For a moment, she relished the heavy silence. It was rare for her to be alone in the house. She could practically taste the freedom. Except that she was confined to the bed.

Her limbs were leaden and she closed her eyes. Maybe it was a passing ailment.

She soon drifted off to consciousness.


Her throat was on fire. Her head was throbbing.

For a moment, Juliet tried to open her eyes but she couldn't. "Someone, help me," she croaked out pitifully but no one replied. Silence reigned and she wondered if Mrs Rosewood and her sister had purposely left her to die.

She suddenly remembered that they had made a trip to the countryside house. Damn that wretched Sir Bernard for taking them away.

Suddenly, there was a hammering on the front door. She could hear it all the way from the room. "Viscount Jasper is here to pay a visit!" A rough voice called out.

"Jas....Jas..." she murmured softly. But of course, the person couldn't hear her.

Silence descended and for a moment, she feared that Jasper had left when all of a sudden, the door slammed open and Jasper walked in, followed by a male servant.

"Juliet!" He went to her side and put his hand on her forehead. "Why did that evil witch leave you all alone with a fever?"

"Jas..." Juliet said softly. " did you get in?" She coughed and her entire body heaved up and down with some effort.

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