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The next day, Juliet returned back to her house because Mrs Rosewood and Titania were due to return that day. Still, the witch's words puzzled her. She seemed to have known her parents for some strange reason but for the moment, she tucked this away because she needed some strength to deal with her step-mother.

As Mrs Rosewood sauntered into the house, Juliet bowed. "Mother," she echoed dutifully.

Her step-mother nodded and barked, "Sophie, prepare some dessert for tea-time."

The maid bowed and gave Juliet a small smile before disappearing into the kitchen. Mrs Rosewood turned and surveyed Juliet for a moment. "You're thinner," she said a little accusingly.

"I've been ill a little while but I'm fine now," Juliet replied and lowered her eyes. She couldn't lie but she had to. Edmund had specifically instructed her to keep mum about her poisoning.

"It was a pity that you missed out on our little trip," Mrs Rosewood continued, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Sir Bernard's house was simply wonderful! The fountain, the servants, the food. Titania, once you marry him, everything will belong to you."

"Yes, mother," Titania said, looking a little distracted.

"Did you enjoy yourself with Sir Bernard?" Juliet asked. She didn't know how to bring up the topic regarding Syvil's pregnancy.

"It was fine. Really extravagant." Titania waved her hands dismissively.

Mrs Rosewood fluttered away and Juliet stared at her sister, who seemed distracted. Still, Titania still looked as lovely as ever with the rouge on hr cheeks. "Sister, are you okay?" she whispered.

"Yes, I'm fine," Titania sighed. "It's just..that...I...I miss Cedric."

"Cedric?" Juliet frowned. "You should forget about that liar. He made use of you and called you a devil! "

"'Tis true," Titania said morosely. "But he was a great lover. Far better than that old prick Sir Bernard. He was a complete bore. All he did was talk about was how rich he was."

"Bear with it." Juliet placed her hand on Titania's shoulder. "He's after all your future husband."

"I suppose so," Titania muttered in her melodious voice. "There aren't that many attractive men available now."

"Indeed." Juliet nodded. Her sister was being sensible for the first time.

"Why sister, I've an idea," Titania's eyes lit up.

"Yes?" Juliet asked cautiously.

"I've heard that Lord Edmund and Lord Japer are your good friends, aren't they?" Titania asked smugly. "Why don't you have them over for dinner? I can know them better than."

"Pardon me?" Juliet was baffled. Was Titania having designs on the man whom she loved and her best-friend? Not that she didn't mind Jasper and Titania together, but Jasper clearly didn't like her sister.

"Think about it, sister!" Titania exclaimed excitedly. "With my looks and wit, I can charm them and they can help me secure a better match! Maybe if I plead with them a little, they can help you to find someone suitable as well!"

"Well, I suppose so," Juliet muttered. She didn't think it was a good idea but if Jasper did manage to end up liking Titania, she would not only gain him as a brother-in-law but also help Syvil if Duke Roman suddenly decides to abandon her because of the child.

"Well then, it's settled!" Titania smiled gloriously. She kissed Juliet on the cheeks and sashayed upstairs.


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