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Juliet headed out in the afternoon, eager to escape the tense atmosphere at home. Titania had locked herself up in her room and Mrs Rosewood was in one of her wretched, foul moods.

She decided to tailor a new dress for Titania since they were due to visit the theatre the next day. Sophie followed her dutifully as they sauntered past the shops.

"Lady Juliet?" Sophie whispered just as Juliet was admiring some fine pieces of silverware in the shops.


"Pardon my imprudence but I fear that you should heed Cedric's words."

Juliet's face instantly hardened. "Don't mention that foul name again. Titania would never do such a thing."

Sophie slowly shook her head. "There have been rumors flying around, m'lady."

"Rumors are nothing but lies." Juliet spied a tailor shop across the street and waved her hand to close the topic.

Fancy Sophie suggesting that Titania was a whore! What unbelievable lies.

As she hurried into the shop, the famed dressmaker, Madam Ethel spotted her and put on a fake smile. "Lady Juliet, what brings you today?"

"I require a dress for Titania," Juliet said quietly. It was clear that Madam Ethel didn't welcome her at all because she wasn't a particularly good customer. Unlike the other ladies, she never bought dresses in bulk and would frequent only when she had spare money.

"Now, I'm afraid that you would have to wait awhile," Madam Ethel said in a artificial, clipped tone. "I do have to serve two very important guests first." She gestured to a corner where a tall gentleman was standing.

"I will wait." Juliet nodded. It was expected. Madam Ethel always made her wait, forever hoping that she would leave out of sheer desperation.

Madam Ethel disappeared into a backroom, leaving her immediately.

Juliet's eyes flick to the other gentleman out of curiosity. She instantly took a step back when she noticed that he was staring at her.

"Lord Aughust." Juliet curtsied. Fancy meeting him here. This was outrageous. Why couldn't she have a peaceful afternoon without meeting him?

Edmund Aughust walked towards her, crossing from the other side of the room. He was finely dressed today in a black doublet. There was a slight stubble that lent a dark and dangerous air to his face but she rather liked that.

He didn't seem uneasy to be caught staring. "Juliet," he said in a musical voice.

Juliet wanted to run out of the shop and hide but instead, she held her head high and fought the shyness that plucked at her. "What business do you have here, m'lord?"

"My mother is in need of a new dress," Edmund Aughust replied coolly.

Torn between annoyance and desire, Juliet looked away from his emerald green eyes.

At this moment, a middle-aged, elegant lady emerged from the backroom with Madam Ethel. Her face was porcelain white and she donned a beautiful violet gown.

"Lady Irina." Juliet bowed. Edmund Aughust's mother was a picture of beauty and elegance. She had never spoke to her directly before but she got the sense that she was a kind woman.

"Edmund, introduce me to this beautiful young lady here." Lady Irina smiled.

"This is the daughter of the late Lord Rosewood." Edmund Aughust gestured to her.

Instantly, Lady Irina's face faltered. Her lips curved into a displeased frown. "This is Lady Titania?" she asked in a sharp tone.

"M'lady, I'm Juliet, not Titania," Juliet said quietly. She waited for that disappointment that would always appear on her face- the same expression everyone wore when they realised that she wasn't the famed beauty but just the plain elder sister.

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