Engagement Party Part 1

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The next few days passed by in a blur. Rumors had erupted within the society about Juliet sudden engagement to the most eligible bachelor in the city. Some debutantes pointed fingers at Juliet for purposely seducing the earl while others gossiped that Juliet was pregnant and that was the only reason why a nobel would marry such a plain lady.

Juliet took all these into stride. She didn't much care about those nosey wart's comments though Titania's betrayal still stang. For days, she avoided Titania and whenever she saw her, her sister always greeted her with hostility.

Even though Titania was her sister, she would not condone the fact that she had prostituted herself and even wanted to seduce Edmund.

Mrs Rosewood had fanatically busied herself with all the arrangements. For the first time in her life, she showered compliments on Juliet who felt a little awkward and embarrassed by the attention.

When the day of the engagement party came, Mrs Rosewood called Titania and Juliet downstairs.

Upon arriving at the parlor, Juliet was startled to see Madame Ethel smiling at her.

"I've asked Madame Ethel to kindly prepare a new dress," Mrs Rosewood announced. As Madame Ethel revealed the dress, even Juliet couldn't help but gasp with delight.

The dress wasn't revealing the least bit but it was made with the finest Chinese silk and little rosebuds embroidered on it.

"Mother," Titania exclaimed in delight. "Your kindness is indeed expected!"

Mrs Rosewood scowled. "It's not for you. It's for your sister. Juliet, come now and try it on."

Juliet looked startled as Madame Ethel took the dress and held it up. "Congratulations Ms Rosewood," Madame Ethel said in her coy, sweet voice. "Or should we say the future Countess?"

"It's still early days." Mrs Rosewood waved her hands but she clearly looked pleased.

"It's not fair!" Titania burst out in anger. She whirled towards her step-mother. "She doesn't deserve the dress! I deserve it! It's utterly wasted on her!"

"Hush, you insolent girl," Mrs Rosewood snapped. "Fear not. I'm sure with your sister's status as a Countess, you won't be left out. Be quiet while I prepare your sister. Madame Ethel?"

The dressmaker nodded and ushered Juliet into a private room. Juliet tried to ignore her sister's loud protests outside but it was indeed difficult to ignore the beautiful dress.


The hours came and went and evening descended upon them. Juliet sat in her chambers, staring at the mirror as she listened to the guests arriving downstairs.

The society's who and who were due to arrive and this was the moment her step-mother wanted. She touched her dress and enjoyed the fine feeling of pure silk. Ah, bliss.

"Are you ready?" She heard her step-mother knock on her door.

"Yes, m'am," she answered and stepped out into the hallway.

"Now, hang on to Edmund Aughust as if he's as important as your life," Mrs Rosewood instructed. "The fact is, you've not made your vows yet and any beautiful debutante can sweep him off his feet and you will be left a spinster."

"Yes, m'am," Juliet said dutifully. She highly doubted Edmund was that sort.

As she reached the stairs, she walked carefully down as Mrs Rosewood announced, "Here comes the girl!"

Everyone clapped politely and Juliet scanned the crowd. She saw Jasper staring at her, his mouth wide open. She wanted to wave but that wouldn't be polite to the rest of the guests. She simply nodded as Mrs Rosewood proceeded to introduce her to some other important people.

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