Engagement Party Part 2

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A/N: I'm going to try posting this chapter one last time.

EDIT: Sorry guys. The chapter just disappeared for 3 times in a row. I will upload it later. Sorry for the repeated notifications on the uploading of the new chapter :/


The moment Juliet called out Cedric's name, he turned around and he looked absolutely mortified.

Edmund looked up to but he didn't say anything as Juliet tried to slip between the guests to reach Cedric. He was dressed in shabby clothes and she could tell he was following his new master, some nobleborn whose name Juliet could only recall to be Count Argon.

"Count Argon," she said pleasantly. "May I speak with your servant?" She gestured to Cedric who still looked shocked and was trying to make himself inconspicuous.

"Lady Juliet, may I know what's the matter?" Count Argon asked a little disinterestedly.

"It's nothing of importance," Juliet continued and winked. "Just wanted to discuss something with him regarding my maid."

"Ah, a dalliance." Count Argon's eyes lit up in interest. "Your maid. Her name's Sophie right?"

"Yes, m'lord."

"Go on, go on." He waved his hands and turned back to talking with another enchanting lady.

Juliet's expression turned sombre as she whispered to Cedric, "Follow me."

With no route for escape, Cedric nodded morosely and Juliet slipped into an isolated corner.

"Lady Juliet, please do not reprimand me," Cedric begged. "I know that I was in the wrong for sleeping with Lady Titania but I truly felt love for her. I didn't make use of her."

"I know, I understand that you're speaking the truth now," Juliet said kindly. "How have you been Cedric? Has Count Argon been treating you well?"

"Thank-you for asking, m'am." Cedric lowered his head. "He has been a strict but kind master. Of course, no one is comparable to you, m'lady."

"Flattery doesn't work on me."

"'Tis not flattery." Cedric shook his head. "You've been kind to me. More than I've ever deserved."

"So what you said about Titania was true?" Juliet's throat constricted.

"Yes, it's true," Cedric replied with unabashed shame. "M'lady, I'm glad that you've realised the true Lady Titania. I loved her and she used me to fulfil her sexual desires. She's no better than a whore."

Previously, those words would have stabbed Juliet's heart. She would have screamed and attempted to clobber the servant for sullying her sister's reputation but that so-called image of her sister was shattered. She found that Cedric's words rang true.

"Do...do..." Juliet stuttered. This was a nagging suspicion which might be almost unbelievable. "Do you know if she's the one who's behind my poisoning?"

"You were poisoned, m'lady?" Cedric seemed shocked and then his face turned grave. "I'm not surprised."

"What do you mean, Cedric?" Juliet asked. Captain Jack's words came back to her. Collect all information. "Do you know something?" she asked sharply.

"I don't actually know anything but...m'lady," Cedric whispered. "Please don't trust anyone. If you don't heed my words, you will be in danger."

"How can I take your word if you claim that you know nothing?"

"I don't know what's going on," Cedric admitted. "But as servants, we're supposed to be invisible and we've access to some information that the nobleborns don't."

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