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I'd never seen anyone handle a baby more naturally. Lili was babysitting for a family friend while she was in LA. It was so like her to spend her time helping someone else out on her break when we were only off for a week. We'd decided to spend that week off in la with my family. They absolutely adored Lili. So did this baby. Her name was Everly & she was 14 months old. Lili had her from 11 this morning until 10 tonight so that meant they would both be coming to dinner tonight. My step mom always insisted one when we came in town & was more than happy to let Everly come along. I went to Lili's house to them up. When I knocked on the door she opened it with the baby placed perfectly on her hip.
"Hey daddy." I said jokingly.
"Haha" she responded handing me the baby. I was not expecting that.
"What? Why?" Unlike her, I was not experienced with babies.
"I have to put the car seat in your car, Goob." She picked up the surprisingly big & heavy looking car seat & trotted off to my car. I awkwardly held the squirming baby & watched how she installed the seat with ease.
"Daddy, take the baby"
"Sure thing, mom. Grab the diaper bag by the door & close it. We're good to go." She said taking Everly from my hands.
I found out very quickly that Everly was not a car person. She started screaming the minute she touched the seat. It was a very good thing that we were close to my parents' house. About halfway there lili started singing My Girl. As soon as she did Everly calmed down. I was amazed. I reached over a put my hand on her thigh.
"You know you're my girl right, Peaches?"
"You're making me swoon more by the minute Sprouse."

Once we got to the house my step mom, Chrissy, came running out to see the baby.
"Oh my goodness. She is so cute. I can't wait till you two are bringing your own babies here!" She squealed.
"Well it might be awhile on that, Chris." I said as she hugged lili & gawked over the baby.
Dayna & Dylan had come out of the house by now along with my dad.
"Wow Lili you got your prebaby bod back so soon!" Dylan joked as he hugged her. I playfully punched his arm when he came to hug me.
"She's a good one." He whispered in my ear & patted my back.
Everyone else hugged & then we headed inside. I grabbed the diaper bag & put my arm around Lili's waist. Once inside we all sat at the table. We ate & talked like normal. I couldn't help but notice how well Lili fit in. Even while feeding a baby that was sitting on her lap. Even more so when she was chasing the crazy child around the house trying to keep her out of everything. Considering Everly went to bed early Lili was going to leave the get together early & I was going to meet her at Everly's after. After hugging everyone & walking her out she & Eve left in my car. I went back in & sat with my family in the living room.
I missed Lili when I saw Dayna & Dylan cuddling on the couch. We all watched a movie & then we said our goodbyes. It was around 9 o'clock when Dylan & Dayna drove me to Everly's house.
"You know. I really like Lili" Dayna said turning to me in the backseat.
"Everyone does. I mean did you see hoe she was with the baby?" She continued.
"Yeah I know she's pretty great."
"Cole, were serious. Don't fuck this up" Dylan said. He had parked the car in front of the house.
"I won't man. I promise. See you on the 4th." I slapped his arm & exited the car.
Lili texted me to just walk in so I did. I found her on the couch watching Cars half asleep.
"Hey, Peaches." I said. She jumped a little & sat up.
"How was the movie?"
"It was good. Would've been better with you butttt" I said. I sat down & she laid in my lap.
"Sorry. Eve was tired. She went right down right at 7. Wouldn't even let me warm up her bottle before she started drinking it." She chuckled.
I ran my hands through her hair while smiling down at her.
"You know my family adores you."
"Good. I was really nervous. Thankfully Everly was good. I was so worried about her ruining everything."
"Nothing to worry about, baby." She looked up at me & smiled that gorgeous smile.
"I love you, Lili."
"I love you too."
"I mean it. I really really mean it. I feel things for you that I didn't even know I could. It's so different with you."
"Cole Sprouse, you are amazing"
After awhile we fell asleep. Around 10:30 we woke up to Everly crying.
Lili got up in no time to get her. After awhile I followed her into Eve's room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw them. Lili was holding little Eve in a glider chair.
I stood & stared until I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Everly's dad, Dave.
"Hey. I'm so sorry Evie Girl woke up." He whispered & walked in to take the baby from Lili.
"It's all ok!" Lili said walking out. She grabbed my hand as she passed me. We were met in the hall with Sara carrying Everly's older sister Estelle into her room. Lili rubbed her back & turned off the big light behind them so she wouldn't wake up. Everything just came so naturally to her.
I could not wait to have our own family.
"What do you think of Este?"
I said taking hand of the steering wheel & putting it on her thigh.
"Este. You know, for our kid." She turned & looked at me.
"I love it."

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