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We had just wrapped up the filming of the almost sex scene between Betty & Jughead. It was surprisingly easy & not awkward. The only awkward part was that we had just started actually dating. Not everyone knew it yet. We decided that we didnt want it to go public and interfere with either of our careers just yet. Riverdale was too new and the focus needed to be on that, not us.
I was walking to my trailer when I heard Casey & KJ laughing.
I turned around to see what was so funny but I was met with a wide eyed Cami running towards me.
"Pull up your jacket & get in the trailer. Now." I did as I was told and saw why when I looked in the mirror.
Cole sat in my makeup chair waiting for me & chuckled at my response to what had happened.
He had left a hickey on the side of my neck.
Whatta dick.
I turned around & slapped his arm.
"Seriously?! While we were filing!" I screamed.
Cami was trying not to laugh but Cole wasn’t holding back.
"I'm sorry, babe. I saw an opportunity & I took it."
Having only told Cami about our relationship so far and having a week or so left of filming I was fuming.
"Dude!" I said. He stood up & walked over to where I was looking in the mirror still.
He came up behind me & wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I'm sorry, baby." He said before he kissed the spot on my neck.
"Just watch your neck during our next scene, Sprouse."

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