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As per a lovely request. I don't know how to tag people sorry.
Thanks a million.

It was my birthday & I had one goal.
To get my under aged girlfriend drunk.
She had drank before but someone always cut her off before any damage was done.
Not tonight though. Tonight she was going to completely cut loose & we were gonna have a blast. Casey was hosting the party at his place. He was totally down for the plan of getting Lili drunk too.
We started her off slow with some wine & worked our way up to margaritas. Around 10 o'clock was when I could tell she was starting to feel it. I was leaning up against the kitchen counter making my self another drink when Lili ran over to me & threw her arms around me.
"There's my boyfriend! Happppyyy birthday boyyyfriendd!"
"Hey Peaches." I replied with a chuckle.
"Baby I don't feel so well. The room is spinning & I feel like I could puke."
I put my arm around her waist & pulled her close to me.
"It's okay. That's normal." She planted her face on my chest.
"But Lovey, I'm scared."
"Come on, baby." I said as I pulled her hand to Casey's spare room.
I laid her on the bed & covered her with her blanket that she bought with the plan of staying over.
I laid down next to her. She didn't waste any time & was in my arms in seconds.
"What if I throw up & choke on it like they say on tv?"
"Honey, you didn't drink that much." I said as I stroked her hair.
I closed my eyes & opened them again when I felt my shirt getting wet.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"I ruined your birthday. You should be out there partying but instead you're in here with me because I'm some anxious loon who can't even handle some alcohol."
"It's okay. All of that is okay. There is no place I would rather be than with you in my arms. & it's okay to be anxious. I get it. You can't help it. That's why I'm here to help you. I love you, Peaches. Being with you is the best present I could ask for."
"Babbbyyyy." She started crying again.
"Why dont we just go to sleep to sleep now. You're gonna feel this in the morning."

Peaches & Coal Where stories live. Discover now