Twenty: One Last Warning.

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"I think we need to talk," I said to him, taking the coffee from his hands.

He sat beside me on the wicker chair calmly, sipping his coffee. "We didn't do anything last night, Andi. You matched Jimmy in the game up until you just plainly told me you wanted to go home. You dozed in the cab and then showered because your hair smelled like cigarettes and you hate that, although you did chain smoke for most of the night, so that was your own fault. Then you got a text from Larkin and cried about it for a little while before I got you to get into bed and watch a movie until you fell asleep."

"Oh," I said simply, my shoulders relaxing. "That is the opposite of what I thought happened."

"You sound disappointed," he murmured before taking another sip of his coffee.

"It would have made breaking up with Larkin easier," I admitted quietly, my head in my hands. Now that the anxiety had passed, the hangover began to set in, and they had their last performance of the tour today. "God, my head is killing me."

"It's fucking freezing out here, come inside," he urges, and I happily oblige. "You're breaking up with him?"

"I think that's what's best," I replied, immediately crawling back under the duvet. I didn't need to get the band up for another hour, and load in wasn't until 12. "What did he send me, anyways?"

"You cried so much last night," he reminded me gently, then added, "I'm gonna kick his ass the next time I see him, and then let your dad have a turn, and then your brother, and then I'm gonna fucking bury that guy, that's how upset you were last night."

"Oh, dear God," I muttered as I scrolled through my text threads to find it. So many texts from the bands, and of course the girls making sure I got home okay.

Larkin Deyes: I made sacrifices for you. Defended your name to my entire family. Made sure the entire Manhattan island knew your goddamned name. And you used me and took it for granted so you could run around behind me back, gamble away your hard earned money (which wouldn't be there without me) and sleep with whoever you wanted. I've got women up my ass begging me for a date and maybe I'll just start taking them up on it, since you can't seem to give a shit about us or anything we've built together.

I looked at it and started laughing. Like, body shaking, tears coming out of my eyes laugh. I passed the phone to him, as he apparently never saw the text, only knew that I was uncontrollably sobbing for half an hour and felt the need to take up for me.

"'I've got girls begging for dates' oh my god, that's my favorite," I said between cackles. "What kind of entitlement, trying to guilt me into apologizing kind of shit is this?"

He eyed me carefully, wanting to laugh but also concerned for my mental well-being. I was, too. It wasn't that funny, especially not to anyone else, but that was a classic move on his part-- go for jealousy. "This isn't funny at all, I'm actually really hurt by this... but it's so ridiculous at the same time...."


"Z, I'm fine, I promise," I assured him. "Thank you, though. For last night, for making sure I got here safe and calming me down. Have I ever told you that you're a good guy?"

"A few times," he replied, laying beside me, a safe distance away. "You're welcome, by the way."


Zacky POV

"You need to watch yourself, Baker."

I turned and saw Violet standing only a few feet away, facing the hot tub. Fearful of ruining her constantly purple-blue hued hair, she tied it up in a loose bun, showing off her latest tattoo on her neck. She couldn't get into the water, of course, but I knew she mostly came down with everyone to join the fun.

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