Twenty Seven: We'll Be O.K.

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"What in the hell have you done?" Charlotte bellowed, strutting into my studio. I jumped, unable to help myself-- Alex was downstairs, sure, but I hadn't expected company. "And who's flannel is that?"

I whirled around, brush still in hand as I turned to face her. Her curls always enhanced whatever expression resided on her face, the current one a quizzical look. Her eyes, however, held excitement, and it seemed like if I waited a few seconds longer, she'd break out into a grin. "Are you wearing pants under that?"

I rolled my eyes. "I need more context for your first question. Second, I think you know exactly who this belongs to. Third, yes, I am." I lifted the hem for good measure, revealing my navy-blue Nike runner's spandex.

"Ooooh!" She grinned. "Wait, no, hold on. Don't show me leg to distract me! Although, whatever you've been doing, it's working."

I chuckled. "Tour life, for better or for worse. But, go on, say what you need to. You're not the first one to do so this week."

"Then you do know what I'm talking about..." She trailed off. "Did Violet--"

"Barge into my house, sit down like it was a friendly chit-chat, and then accuse me of being the devil?" I filled in, unable to help myself. "Want some coffee?"

"Yes," she murmured. "To both of those questions."

I opened the door to my studio and gestured for her to exit. "Right this way."

"It's nice to see the place finished," she remarked as she made her descent downstairs. "You've really made it a home."

"Thank you," I replied, smiling. "Hey, Alex, warn me the next time one of my friends comes up in a frenzy. You know, shout... Text... Anything will work."

"I tried, she just kept going," he replied, not looking up. "Now I see where you've gotten it from."

"Are you still working on that melody?"

"Yeah, I don't know why I'm so stuck on it," he grumbled.

"Well, you have been glued to my couch since 8 a.m., so...."

"Ha-ha," he retorted, making a face in my direction before placing his noise cancelling headphones on again, lost in the sea of demos and half-finished songs in his library.

"God, why does my life feel like high school 2.0?" I asked, stepping carefully onto the cool stone pathway. My father had added a sitting area in my backyard, fit with beautiful flowers and an equal amount of shade and sun. In the center sat a glider swing, and I sat down on the warm canvas covered cushion immediately, relishing the welcome heat in the otherwise cool air. Charlotte followed suit, sipping on her coffee.

"I dunno, but I'm already over it," she sighed. "I just don't understand why she's so angry. I mean, it's been years. Why is she suddenly coming forward about all of this now?"

"Because she's avoided inviting you to things since you came back," I answered. "I called her out on it on impulse and wish I hadn't. I'm sorry I brought you into this."

"You're right, though," she murmured. "The last time I've seen everyone at once was the tour."

"She shut me out for 90% of those two weeks, and I chalked it up to her and Matt arguing over something." I rolled my eyes. "Turns out, she's not the only one that noticed my reconnection to Z."

"Please dish on that, by the way, because aren't you still with your moody manager?"

I frowned. "We really need to hang out more."

Her eyes widened. "Did you--"

"Yes," I murmured quietly, looking at the ground.

She squealed. "Oh, my god, Andi!" She was practically vibrating with excitement. "You really did it! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Not many people know. You, Alex, Carly, Zack, and my family... That's it."

"And Vi, although that's just because she's protective over Zack," Charlotte added. "For good reason, just... Not toward the right person."

"Preaching to the choir here, Charlie," I hummed.

"We'll work it out with her. We always do," she said, although her tone lacked the optimism that would've convinced me fully. Still, I nodded in agreement, my gaze focused on my house ahead.

"You never finished telling me about you and Zack, you know. And I won't tear out your throat for it, either."

I chuckled. "I dunno what to say! It's just... What was it like when you saw Brian again?"

"Scary," she answered quickly, confidently. "I was a bartender, part time, in this shithole of a pub, and then he just walked in. It was like the whole world stopped when I realized it was him. I nearly got fired that night for breaking the tray of glasses I dropped when we glanced each other's way."

"Well, what happened next?" I tried to not sound so curious, but if anyone had the faintest idea of the swirl of emotions I currently felt, it was Charlotte.

She smiled. "'I was going to order a beer, but now I think I need something stronger,'" she quoted, deepening her tone to mimic his smooth, laid-back SoCal cadence. "That was the first thing he'd said to me since I left for my fellowship. And I was pissed beyond belief. But then he did that little grin, the one he gives when he's genuinely happy, you know?"

I nodded. "The secret Brian Haner mug. It's a rare sight."

She laughed. "No kidding. He sat there and sipped his whiskey until long after last call, and then insisted on walking me home. He told me later that Jimmy gave him the slip on where I was and he just... found himself suddenly there. And against my better judgement at the time, and to my flatmate's chagrin, I invited him in."

"What makes you say that?" I quirked an eyebrow in her direction.

"Because I tossed back five shots when my shift ended, on an empty stomach, and you know how bold I can be while I'm buzzed," she admitted, and I couldn't help but laugh at how true that very phrase was for me, especially after last night.

"You made him a man again that night," I said in a sultry tone.

"He's the one that kissed me goodnight on his way out! It was over from there." She then turned her gaze back to me, a knowing look in her eye.

"Fine, fine," I sighed, feeling nervous butterflies in my stomach as I worked up the nerve. But it was Charlotte, of all people, so there was nothing to fear, no judgement to be passed.

"I really missed him, you know," I admitted. Charlotte immediately aww'd, to which I playfully rolled my eyes. "I should've given this back"-- I gestured to the flannel he left from the night before--"but I couldn't help myself. You know, I'm a sucker for the little things."

"You did date Larkin," she quipped.

"Ha ha," I said dryly.

"I just want to say: I totally called this happening last October. As soon as you called me for the sunrise sesh, I knew it wasn't over, even if you didn't realize it. I am so excited for you! I really hope it all works out," she grinned, giving me a nudge. "And when that happens, Violet will eventually see how happy he is and come around."

"I know I've already apologized, but I'm really sorry I dragged you further into exile."

She smiled. "This is going to sound horrible, but it's really not all that bad. I got a random trip to your house out of it."

"You're always welcome, you know."

"As are you, Andi," she echoed. "You know what, if you throw on a pair of leggings we could grab a quick bite to eat so you can get back to work?"

"I'll do you a bigger solid: I'll throw on a pair of jeans and take a long lunch to catch up with you."

"I was hoping for that," she grinned, pulling me up with her and excitedly pushing me toward the house.

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