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"It feels so good to be back home," I said with a sigh relief as I got in the bed and snuggled under Jason.

            "Baby, look at this," he said nodding to the television. "They're talking about a possible world war three. If this country goes to war in the state it's in, we're fucked. They would have to enlist every male and voluntary female, of age in the country." He got quiet for two seconds. The look in his eyes told me he was deep in thought.
            "Baby if I have to go back to war a-"
            "Stop talking" I cut him off. "They've talking about a possible war for years and nothing has ever popped off. Besides, you told me you couldn't go back anyway so stop worrying."
            He sighed, "I'm just saying, if it did happen, I want you to be prepared."
            "But it won't; now let's go to sleep. The girls will be here at ten." I told him as I snuggled closer to him. "Goodnight," I said closing my eyes.
            "Goodnight, baby," he said and kissed my head.

            "Bailey!" I heard my name being called as the door slammed closed.
            "In the kitchen!" I yelled back.
            Seconds later, Mani walked in the kitchen with Lay right behind her.
            "Hey sis," Mani said as she hugged me. "How was Tokyo?"
            "It was beautiful. I was thinking, maybe we could go for your birthday."   
            "That would be awesome!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down.
            "What about me? I want to go too," Lay said as she closed the freezer after getting an ice cream sandwich.
            "Your daddy is taking you to see your grandparents that same weekend," I told her and her face lit up.
            "Yes, I can ride Reno!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down like Mani did.
            "Hey, what's with all the yelling?" Jason asked as he walked in the kitchen.
            "Daddy!" Lay yelled, jumping in his arms.   
            He hugged her, "Hey baby! How was your weekend?"
            "It was fun. We went to Fun Spot and I beat Mani in the go karts. Then we ate fried Oreos and got on the thing that swings you back and forth in the air like you're flying. It was fun."
            "I bet it was. Go put your bags in your room and come back down so we can eat," he told her as he put her down.
            "Okay," she replied before sprinting out of the kitchen.
            "Walk," I called after her.
            "Morning, Jay," Mani said as she left the kitchen.
            "Morning Mani," he called after her. "Good morning, beautiful," he said turning to me.
            I smiled, "Good morning baby," I said and kissed him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "How did you sleep?"
            "I slept okay, how about you?"
            "Like a baby."
            "Why didn't you wake me up so I could help you?"
            "Because I got this," I pecked his lips before I turned to stir the grits one more time.
            "Yeah, you got it, bae," he said and smacked my butt and made his way to the table.
            "Perve," I said as I turned the stove off and put the pot on the table.
            "You love it," he said, pouring coffee in his mug.
            Once Abby and Lay came back down, we ate breakfast and talked about our weekends. After breakfast, I went in my office, Jay went in his and the girls went in their study room for power hour, getting as much work done as possible before we lounged around for the rest of the day.

            "Dinner was good Mani," Jason told her as she and Lay cleared the table.
            "Thanks," she replied as she put the plates in the sink. Then she opened the oven and pulled out an Apple pie. While she put the pie on plates, Lay scooped ice cream on the side. Jay and I watched them with skeptical looks.
            "They want something," Jay whispered to me.
            "Of course, dinner and dessert? They're trying to finesse something."
            Before he could reply, Lay put a plate in front of Jay and smiled.
            "Here you go daddy; I gave you three scoops," she told him with that "perfect angel" smile.   
            "Thank you baby," he told her.
            Mani brought my plate to the table then grabbed her and Lays' plates before sitting down.   
            As we ate, I noticed the girl kept looking at each other.
            "So," Jay started, putting down his fork, "what is it that y'all want now?"
            "Nothing...this time?"
            "So what's all of this?" I asked motioning to the table.
            "Nothing," she repeated.
            I gave her the dick-look, "Did you forget you're talking to me? Spill now or the answer is definitely no."
            She was quiet for few seconds. "Tori Kelly is coming to the city next month for an exclusive concert and we want to go," she blurted out.
            Jay turned to me, "I didn't understand a thing she said."
            I shook my head at him and turned to them. "So, why not just ask us instead of going through all of this?"
            Mani, making me laugh.
    "What do your grades look like?" I asked them.
            Mani answered first, "I passed my math test last week and I finished my English paper; you just have to look over it."
            "And what about you, little miss?" I asked Lay.
            She held her hands up and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, you have to call my teacher and ask her."
            "I will when I drop you tomorrow. In the mean time, we'll talk about and see. Fair enough?"

             "Yes," they both answered.
            "Okay, go get ready for bed. I want school clothes out tonight so we're not rushing in the morning," I told them.
            They got up and went upstairs.
            "Can you believe them?" Jay asked with a chuckle.
            "Trying to butter us up with pie and ice cream. But you have to admit, it was a smart move. They really thought this out," I said, getting up to put the plates in the sink.
             He stood behind me, reaching around to turn the water off as he kissed the tattoo on my collarbone, sending a chill through my body.
            "Not tonight, babe. I have a seven-thirty conference call in the morning and I can't miss that," I said, turning around and looking at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, "So, as much as I would love for you to do that thing I like so much, I'll have to take a rain check."
            "It's cool, when you ready, you know where to find me, lil' mama. But when you cash in that rain check, just make sure you do that thing I like so much," he told me with a smirk.
            I laughed, "You are too much."
            "That's what you keep telling," he replied and laughed when I hit him on the side of his arm. "I'm joking, bae. Go 'head and get ready for bed; I'll do the dishes."
            "Okay." I gave him a kiss, "See you upstairs," I told him before heading upstairs.

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