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"Come in," I said over my shoulder as I changed Tre's diaper.

            "Hey sis," Mani said as she came in and laid across the futon.
            "Hey, how was school?"
            She sighed, "The same- work, work, and more work. Then there was practice and study hall." She put her hand on her forehead, "I'm exhausted," she said dramatically.
            I laughed, "You need to be stop," I told her as the doorbell rang, interrupting our laughing. "Watch Tre," I told her before going to answer the door.
            When I got to the door and opened it, there was no one there, just roses on the welcome mat. Furring my brow, I looked around to see if anyone was around before I pick the bundle up and closed the door. Sitting them on the table, I looked for a card to see who they were from.
            "Oooooh, look how pretty," Lay said as she came down the stairs. "Who are they from?"
            "I wish I knew, toots. Whoever they're from didn't send a card with them," I replied.
            "Where's Tre?"
            "In my office with Mani," I told her and she took off to the back of the house. "Walk," I called out as I followed.

            "Okay, it's Wednesday, what do you want to eat?" I asked the girls as I sat at the computer while they played with Tre.
            "Pizza!" Lay said.
            "Chinese!" Mani said at the same time.
            "We just ate both of those. How about we go out for dinner?" I asked.
            "Can we go to Cheesecake Bistro? We haven't been since we came home last summer," Mani suggested.
            "I like the way you think," Lay told Mani.
            "Okay, go get ready and meet me at the door in the next five minutes," I told them. Just before she could shoot out of the room, I caught Lays' hand, "You walk," I told her and she giggled as I let her go.
            I picked Tre up from his play mat and carried him to the nursery to get him dressed. After I packed his bag, I slipped on my shoes and went to the door.
            "Ready," Lay said as I made my way to the door. We got in the car and drove to the restaurant on St. Charles.

            "I wish you would come home more often. We miss you," my grandma told me as we sat on my porch.
            "I know, I'm just always working and I have three kids to look after now. But, I took off for a year so now I have the time."
            "Good because I need to see my baby."
            "Awe grandma-"
            "I'm talking about the baby, girl," she told me and laughed.
            I shook my head, "That's messed up on so many levels," I laughed with her.
            "Where is baby Jay?"
            "We call him Tre and he's with my mama at the store. I came over here to check on you, see how you're doing."
            "You're the one that needs to be checked on. How are you really doing?"
            I sighed, "I'm okay, grandma. I'm just focused on the on my family, trying to stay strong for the kids. Mama and daddy think Mani should come back and stay with them. They think it's too much on me but it's really not. Mani helps me more than anything. Plus, Lay is about to go to Jay's parents for their time to have her then she's going to her mama for a year. So really, I'm losing all my help. I'll need someone there to talk to that can actually respond." I raised my brow at her, "You sure you don't want to take a trip to California?"
            "Nope," she replied and shook her head.
            "Why not? You would love it out there. The air is fresher, better for you, the sights and the skyline is to die for," I tried to convince her.
            "Well since you put it that way," she started, "no," she told me and laughed again.
            I shook my head as my phone rung, "Hello," I answered but there was no response so I hung up. When it rung again I answered it. "WHAT"
            "Who you yelling at?" My mama asked.
            "Sorry, what's up?"
            "We're leaving the store. Are you still by your grandma? I was going to bring Tre over so she can see him."
            "Yeah, I'm still here. I'll see y'all in a few," I told her and hung up. "My mama is on her way," I told my grandma and she nodded.

            "TT, why can't Tre come with us to grandma's house?" Lay asked as we walked through the empty airport to board the jet.
            "He's too young to fly on the jet, Toots. When he gets older, you can both fly anywhere you want to go, deal?"
            She smiled, "Deal."
            As the men put our bags on the jet, we sat down in front of the TV, I buckled Lay in, kissed her head, like Jay used to before the plane took off. I put on Finding Dory and gave her some chips and a juice as she put the headphones over her ears.
            "Ready for takeoff, Mrs. Hampton," the pilot said over the intercom.
            Taking a seat next to Lay, I put my seatbelt on and turned my attention to the movie as we took off.

            "How are you holding up," I asked Jay's mom as we made dinner.
            Sighing, she shrugged her shoulders, "As good as any mother who losses her child," she paused. "You know he called me the morning before he left and told me what he was doing," she chuckled a little. "I told him he was making a mistake and he said if so, it was one he could live with. Now look at him, six feet under because he was so damn hard headed."
            As she continued on, I began to feel light headed, pulling the nearest stool to me, I sat down.
            "...soft ass, that's the tru- you okay, Bailey?" She asked coming to my side.
            "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little light headed, I didn't really eat much of anything today." I told her just as the front door closed.
            "Ma!" A deep voice called out. It sounded so much like Jay, making my heart jump. "Hey, mama. What's up Bailey," Jeremy said as he walked in the kitchen.
            "Hey Jer, what's up?" I replied.
            "Nothing much, just waiting for you to accept my love, girl. I know you married to my brother but he's gone. You wouldn't even have to change your last name, baby," he told me and I tried my hardest not to laugh.
            That all went out the window when Mrs. H popped him upside his head. "Get your ass out of here before I beat the black off of you. Bailey don't want you, boy. Go ahead and get your daddy from under that car and tell him dinner is almost ready."
            "You always blocking," he told her.
            "Boy," she as she raised her hand and he jetted out of the kitchen.
            "What are you going to do with him?" I asked her as I laughed.
            She shook her head, "Give him fifty dollars and drop him at the train station. Hopefully he'll get the hint and go away," she laughed.
            "Grandma, when can I have a cookie?" Lay ran into the kitchen.
            "You keep running through this house, you'll get a chocolate chip ass whipping. Now go finish setting the table before you mama gets here."
            "I'm going wash up," I said as I got up and headed upstairs.
            On the way back down the stairs, I heard Lay yell 'mommy'. Turing to the door, I saw Tee kneel down as Lay ran into her arms.
            "Hey baby, I missed you," she told Lay as she pulled back and looked her over.
            "I missed you too. I can't wait to tell you about all the trips we took and how Princess Tiana knew my name and we had lunch together..."
            I guess Tee noticed I was standing there watching then because she looked in my direction and sent a small smile my way.
            "Hey Bailey," she said.
            "Hey Tee. How's it going?"
            "It's going good. Sorry I wasn't able to make it to the funeral. I'm really sorry for your loss."
            "Thank you. Can I talk to you for a second?"
            "Sure." She turned to Lay, "Go watch TV and I'll be there in a few minutes."
    "Okay," Lay replied and ran to the living room.
            "Walk," both Tee and I called after her.
            "So what's up," she asked as we sat in the den.
            "I was wondering if you would be interested in alternating yearly instead every three years. She misses you, a lot. And I know you miss her even more. With Jay gone, maybe she needs to spend more time with you. What do you think?"
            She sat in thought for a few seconds, "I think that's a great idea. It would mean the world to me to be able to see her more often. Thank you, Bailey."
            "It's no problem," I smiled and stood. "And just a heads up, Finding Dory never leaves the DVD player."
            "Oh I know. We watched it six times...in the first week of having it. I thought the disc would melt. To tell the truth, I was opting it would've," she laughed. "Thank you, Bailey. This is the best news I've gotten all month," she stood and hugged me.
            "You're welcome," I said as we pulled apart.
            "Mama, come on the movie is about to start. And guess what? Grandma made cookies, lots of them!" Lay exclaimed when she ran in the room.
            "Okay, I'm coming," Tee told her as they made their way to the living room.
            "TT, come on. You're going to miss the movie. It's your favorite- Finding Dory," Lay told me with a huge smile on her face.
            I laughed and followed them to the living room.

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