Camping: Part II of IV - Sunday, July 2nd

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Story Title: Camping & Roughing It

Chapter title: Camping: Part II of IV - Sunday, July 2nd

FOUR Part One-Shot


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Short Story Plan:

Part I of IV - Saturday, July 1st

Part II of IV - Sunday, July 2nd

Part III of IV - Monday, July 3rd

Part IV of IV - Tuesday, July 4th


Story Title: Camping & Roughing It

Chapter title: Camping: Part II of IV - Sunday, July 2nd

*Four POV*

Looking in the rearview mirror, I smirk at Shauna's dog that's sitting in the backseat. The dog is literally wearing a special doggy-seatbelt. Shauna was very careful to make sure it was situated correctly when she insisted I bring Roja in my car for the drive to Rocky Mountain National Park so I wouldn't be alone.

Roja is a yellow goldendoodle and very well-trained. Zeke quietly mumbled to Shauna that I just got rid of one bitch, no need for another so soon. She smacked him for that one, chastising him for insulting Roja.

The drive isn't that far, but man, it has been slow. Driving into the mountains on a holiday weekend may be the equivalent of hell on earth.

As we get closer to the entrance of the park, we make sure to get our vehicles in a line with Zeke and Shauna at the front. She has all of our reservation information for the Aspenglen campgrounds. Our campground's entrance has decent amenities, such as bathrooms and even showers.

RMNP has everything from campgrounds deep in the mountains you can only hike to, having to make do with what you can carry, versus the drive-RV campgrounds that offer electricity plugins. We are going middle of the road with drive-in camping, which is my personal favorite. If I was hiking and carrying my gear, there is no way I'd have my six-person tent. I have done hike-in a couple of times and didn't enjoy it. I prefer to car camp and then go on hikes during the day. I'm really looking forward to the hikes we planned for tomorrow and the next day.

The lot Shauna reserved is huge. I drive straight to the furthest tent pad, my home for the next three nights. Our tent pads are spread out far enough for at least some privacy. Of course if someone is screaming at the top of their lungs during a romantic moment, we would all know what was going on in an instant.

I get to work setting up my large tent. Roja's such a friendly dog, she quickly visits the four tent pads for our group and then does a few rounds as she checks on all of us while we set up our gear. I unload all of the gear that I plan to keep in the tent. I have a huge cooler so I can store some drinks and snacks, and making sure it stays closed as not to risk attracting bears. Even food that is trash can't be left out.

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