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It wasn't Josh first year at high school but it sure felt like it. He has no friends, and everything seemed so foreign to him. It was as if everyday, he discovered new things; new people, new school, new teachers.

And the only persons who seemed to somehow like Josh, were his teachers.

Josh was very quiet, concentrated and always listened to the teachers with silence almost holy. He shushed the other kids when they talked too loud (receiving disgusted glares and hate looks- but he shrugged them off as it didn't hurt him (which it does)).

He didn't talked for two reasons; the first one being that he has no friend, and second one, even if he did have friends, he wouldn't talk to them because he always is super concentrated.

The teachers liked him very much. Some even liked him as their own child. They ask him how was his day, help him when he needs them, buy him lunch when he hasn't enough money (though he never asked them, they always came first as if sensing he needed something).

They were like the parents he will never have.

Tyler on the other hand was the polar opposite.

Loud and rude and didn't care about things that wasn't his. He lived carelessly and usually found himself in trouble. But that's OK because he must live his life at the fullest.

He knew the high-school like it was his house, had talked to almost every person in the school and for him, every day was like a repeat of what happened the day before.

He was hated by most of the teachers but unlike Josh, every student liked him. He was like the king of school.

Tyler didn't hate Josh. He just thought he was really weird. So he didn't really try to talk to him.

Josh looked weird with his over-sized hoodies and skinny jeans with hole and his flowercrown that he sometimes wear on top of his hair made of gold. Weird but cute, at least so Tyler tolerated his presence.

And their paths never crossed before this day.

No one knew how but one time, they found themselves in the principal's office. It was the first time for Josh, and he was past beyond scared. Did he do something wrong ? He've always tried to go unnoticed in school, and by that he stayed out of trouble.

Tyler on the other wasn't the first time he came here, and he looked almost peaceful, with the way he put his legs on the principal's desk and his hands behind his head.

"Don't worry honey, you did nothing wrong. And if anything, I'll take your punishement for you."

Josh was surprised by Tyler's words. He've always thought he was mean, with the way he always talked to the other.

Josh only smiled at him, one of these smiles that could lit up an entire town and Tyler found himself wanting to make him smile more.

"'Sup, principal," Tyler said when he saw the principal coming.

"Hello Joshua."

The principal ignored Tyler's rudeness and talked to Josh, who seemed more attentive.

Josh nodded, not capable of talking to people he doesn't really know.

"You probably are wondering as to why I made you come here, right Joshua ?"

"Not really," answered Tyler even though he knew he wasn't talking to him.

Josh nodded once again.

"Well Joshua,..."

Tyler interrupted him once again, looking annoyed.

"Stop calling him Joshua, don't you see that it makes him imconfortable ?"

Josh only blushed, and when the older of the tree looked at him, his blush spread to his neck and he looked down.

"Is this true, Josh-"

Before he could finish, Tyler shot him a death glare.

"Josh." corrected the principal.

Josh nodded bashfully.

"Well it seems like you are perfect duo. I just wanted to tell you both, since that Josh is one of the best student here, and you Tyler, well you have very good grades but you aren't a good student, that you should pair up. Maybe Josh's calmeness will reach to you, and maybe he will become more out going, and make more friends. And it seems like you already understand each other. This is perfect ! I want you now to stay together, and help each other. Josh has some... difficulties and hopefully you will be able to help him overcome them. You two are dismissed, have a nice day and you can not go to class this day, since I know Tyler here will skip classes again."

"True" was all Tyler said before he exits the room, soon followed by Josh who was looking at his hands.

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