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Last chapter ! [3000 words]

When Josh finally woke up, he was still in Tyler's bed, tucked under the covers all warm but Tyler was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was because of the sickness but Josh was feeling more emotional than usual and Tyler missing made him a bit agitated. What if Tyler left him too ? No, that's impossible ; he wouldn't have left him in his own house.

His head was pounding too and as he tried to get up on his feet to go search for his friend, he immediately stumbled back and fell on his back, his mind racing. Everything hurt but he needed to know where Tyler went.

As if on cue, Tyler entered the room holding a plate of cookies in one hand and milk in an another.

"Josh ? Do you feel better ?"

Tyler's voice was warm and nice and it made Josh feel weird things in his stomach. It was strange but he didn't like it. Maybe just a bit. Or a lot. He's never felt like this before.

"E-Everything h-hurt" he groaned, struggling to breathe and talk at the same time.

"Oh baby," cooed Tyler. "It's gonna be okay. Did you sleep well ? Do you think you can eat now ? And how about you spend the night here ?"

Josh giggled.

"Too much questions. My brain can't keep up. Yeah, thank you and I would love to."

Josh's voice was soft - like always - but tired, as if drained of all energy. He sure sounded and looked sick too. Tyler wanted to just hold him between his arms and take all of his pain. And maybe kiss him too. That would be great. Or-

Josh's voice interrupted his train of thoughts.

"Can I have the cookies, please ?" he said while making grabby hands at Tyler (more like the plate) looking at the older through his eyelashes, eyes all big and innocent and Tyler wanted nothing more than to lose himself in them.

The sight was endearing. Josh was all he could have asked for. One of the - if not the - most sweetest person he ever met. The most perfect person he ever laid his eyes on.

"Y-Yeah, of course."

Tyler wasn't one to stutter but here he was, adoring someone to the point he lose his ability to talk normally. Loving someone to the point where there's no return.

"What time is it ?"

Time ceased to exist when someone like Josh was in the same room as you, thought Tyler.

"9 PM."

"I wanna eat pizza," sighed Josh dramatically, pushing himself back on the bed, groaning when his head began throbbing again.

"You just ate cookies," said Tyler while making his way to the bed, because it was beginning to become awkward, standing alone.

Josh giggled again.

"Who cares ? My tummy wants more."

Facing the ceiling, he motioned to Tyler to lay down next to him.

"I wanna sleep too."

"You just slept, though," pointed Tyler as a matter of fact.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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