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JOSH DIDN'T HAVE FRIENDS. Tyler was the first one - well, that is if Tyler would like to be his friend.

Josh grew up being incapable of creating new friendship. He didn't have much of social capacities. For him, talking to new persons and keep on a conversation was really hard.

All his childhood was spent alone, because making friends was difficult. He struggled joining in group activities.

Josh really wants to make friends, but he just couldn't - and that frustrated him the most. He wanted to be like the other girls and boys. He wanted to be normal, he wanted to be able to keep a conversation interesting. He didn't want to be alone anymore.

He was always alone, and he hated the feeling of loneliness. He wanted someone to play with, someone to talk to, someone to hug; someone to laugh with and someone to cry with.

He just wanted someone who will understand him.

Many people don't like what he likes. He likes space, they like sex. He likes cartoon, they like porn. He likes playing games, they prefer partying late at night.

They were so much different and it made Josh sad because he knew he won't have any friends because of his weird obsessions. No one understands him; no one even try to understand him.

Everyone was better than him, he thinks.

So when the principal told him to stay with Tyler, he was more than happy to do it. Maybe they can become friends ! Maybe Tyler understands him !

Josh was really surprised when Tyler helped him in the office. He didn't look like the others. He tried to understand him - he succeeded at understanding him. They don't even know each other and he already knew when Josh was uncomfortable.

Maybe Tyler is the one. Maybe he will be his first friend ever.

"So what do you want to do, Josh."

Josh only shrugged, as if saying "I don't know, what do you want to do you ?"

"Okay then, follow me."

Walking behind him, Josh couldn't help but feel excited. Tyler was so nice to him (comparing to others) and he seems like such a good person ! Not capable of talking (not yet), he translated his excitation by bouncing lightly, a small smile on his lips. When he sighed happily, he drew Tyler's attention to him. Tyler stopped walking and turned to face Josh, with a small chuckle.

"What got you so happy, pumpkin ?"

Josh's smile grew larger when he heard the pet name and pointed his chubby fingers to Tyler, as if saying "you".

"Really, me ?"

Josh nodded.

"How come ?"

Josh shrugged.
Tyler chuckled again and said "you are adorable, Josh."
Josh's smile got so wide his eyes closed from happiness, and he kissed Tyler on the cheeks.
They both ended up smiling like two lovestrucks.

Josh followed Tyler, not asking why were they going upstairs since it was forbidden. He didn't want to upset his soon-to-be friend who called him pumpkin and adorable (he got complimented more times in five minutes with him than he had ever gotten his whole life. Josh likes Tyler, he is nice).

Soon, they came to the roof and Tyler sat on the edge but Josh didn't follow.

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