Chapter 33

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Michael came down and sat next to me on the couch. "We got to go to my mom's today" I said as ge rested his head on me. "I'm sorry." He said. "For?" I asked.  "The time I yelled at you for trying to sleep on me when you were tired and just woke up. I feel you now." He explained. "Its It's fine but I need you to get dressed so we can go to my mom's house please. " I said. He stood up and walked back up stairs. He came down a little bit later and sat next to me. I finished the episode I was watching . "You ready?" I asked Micahel. He stood up and we drove to my mom's. When we walked in Micahel stopped. "You didn't tell me he was gonna be here!" Micahel yelled. " someone's awake now." I said laughing. "Luke!" Michael yelled. "I didn't tell you cause I knew you wouldn't come if I told you he was here and I wanted you to come." I told him. He crossed his arm's and and sat in the kitchen staring at him. (There's no wall separating the living room and kitchen if you haven't noticed.) "Hang on luke" my dad standing up and walking to the kitchen. "I owe the biggest apology to you Micahel. I'm extremely sorry, for ya know what I did. It was wrong, I was drunk. I swore to myself when Justin bailed me out I wouldn't drink around you boys anymore. Can I have one more chance, I'll be your like father in law. That seems cool right?" My dad said sitting next to Micahel. "You'll be nothing like my dad. He was a lot worse than you were, he stabbed me." Michael said. He lifted up gis shirt and showed us his scar on his left side. "Luke that's what you felt the one night." Michael said. I smiled at him. "But yea I guess, if you promise not to drink near us anymore. Then yea I guess I'll give ya a chance, dad." Micahel said. My dad smiled and gave him a hug. He walked over to me.  "Luke?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him. "Well this is great, Justin didn't come. I heard he was staying at your place. " my dad said. "Yes he is sadly, but he didn't come." Michael said. My dad looked at Micahel then back at me. "Okay, mind if I stop over later and talk to him and Chris? Oh and how's your car?" My dad asked. "Yea, and it's great thanks." I said. "Well we got to go thanks for the family reunion." I hugged them both and we left. When We got home Micahel pulled Justin over to me. "Shut up and don't talk" he snapped at him. I slapped Michael again and he laughed. "Dad got out of jail, he'll be over to talk to you soon. I would like you to listen to him and hear him out." I said. "If I can do it, and accept his apology after I literally fought him. I think you can too, and maybe even one day I'd like you again." Michael said. "Really?" Justin asked Micahel. "No" he said laughing. I slapped Michael in the side. "Maybe one day he will. Now come here Micahel we got to talk." I said dragging him up the stairs. I opened my door pushed him and shut it. "What do you got to talk about?" He asked. I took his shirt of him and flung it to the bed. "This isn't really talking but okay?" He questioned. "Why didn't you tell me about that? Why don't you talk about your dad." I yelled at him. He looked down. "And now it's sad again." He said looking at his dick. "Micahel!" I yelled. He put his hands up and sat me on the bed. He put his shirt back on. "I dont like my dad, never have. I don't care for him, that's why I dont talk about him." Micahel said sitting next to me. "Well I felt like I shouldve known this sense we've been dating for oh I dont know like 4 months." I snapped. "I know, I'm sorry" he said. There was silence I talked him and began making out with him. "It's happy again" Micahel yelled looking back down. I made him look back at me. "Shut up" I said smiling. (You kinda know what happened after this  ;) lol)

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