Slow down, Tyler // T.J & J.D

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It was a calm afternoon in Columbus, Ohio. It was a beautiful fall day, a picturesque view from my apartment window. The leaves now turning beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow.

So, I thought that it was the perfect opportunity to head to Starbucks. I mean, I deserve it. I got a promotion at work. Plus, I haven't been there in a while, so it'll be a nice little treat.

I get up from my perch and start to get ready. I walk over to my closest and get lost in thoughts as I pick out my outfit for the day.

I end up choosing a burgundy sweater, along with a burgundy, pink, and white (a/n: i'm not sure if it's cream or white) scarf. Then, of course, I pick light blue skinny jeans along with brown boots.

(A/n: here's what it looks like, sorry about the black at the top)

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(A/n: here's what it looks like, sorry about the black at the top)

I then walk over to my mirror and start to do my routine of getting ready. I put my hair in a messy bun and set off. Since it's not that far, and I could always use the exercise, I decide to walk.

I grab my wallet and phone. I stuff them into my pocket and head out.

------------------Time Skip-------------------

I start heading down the sidewalk, trying to imagine what i'll order. Each step I take echoes throughout the seemingly empty town. Which is strange to me, since i'm always used to cars zooming by, children laughing, and the general sounds of a city.
(A/N: i have no idea what i'm doing. Just pretend it's in a very crowded part of Columbus, I guess. I've never been so i'll just pretend I know what i'm doing. I should also mention the fact I don't live in a city... oops)

I soon get lost in my own thoughts when I realize i'm here. I smile to myself and pull the door open to let myself in. As soon as I walk in, the smell of freshly ground coffee and the hint of cinnamon surrounds me. I walk up to the counter and pretend to study the menu, even though I know what I want.

"Hello! What would you like to order?" The barista asks with a bright smile. I smile back and look up at the menu.

"Uh, hi, can I get a Grande Pumpkin Pie Frappuccino with whipped cream blended in and 2 pumps of cinnamon syrup?"

(A/n: i went on different websites just for this. Because I didn't wanna just be like Pumpkin Spice Latte because.. obvious reasons.) I ask, already fishing around in my pocket for my wallet.

"Alrighty! Will that be all?"
He asks. I nod and start to open my wallet.

"Okay.. your total will be $3.95."
He says, ringing it up on the register. I hand him a $5 bill and put my wallet back in my pocket. He hands me my change and grabs the cup. I put the change in the tip jar and look back up at him.

"What's the name for this?" He asks while grabbing a marker. "Y/N." I reply. He nods and writes it on the side of the cup. "I'll call you when it's done!" I nod and head over to my usual seat over in the corner by the window. I pull out my phone, turn on my data, and scroll through my feed.

I keep scrolling aimlessly, occasionally liking some posts when my phone buzzes. I raise an eyebrow and swipe down the notification bar.

New text message from: Josh 👽

I smile and tap the notification.

Josh 👽: hey Y/N! where are ya?

I start to type when I hear my name being called.

"Y/N! Your drink is ready!" He calls, gently setting it on the counter. I stand up and walk over to grab my drink. "Thank you!" I say and walk back to my seat.

I sit down and position my drink in front of the window and take a picture.

'I love fall'

Likes instantly start pouring in. I then continue my message to Josh.

Me: starbucks

I press send and take a sip from my drink. I accidentally let out a little groan from how good it was. I smile, happy with everything that's happening. I take sips every now and then, and scroll through my feed when my phone buzzes again. I look at the top and see a new message from Josh.

Josh 👽: can I come?

I scoff and mutter "No, absolutely not."

Me: duh

I roll my eyes and take another sip when I see he texted back.

Josh 👽: alright, i'm on my way.. and I have Tyler.

I giggle at his text and respond instantly.

Me: oh?

I had a feeling I would soon regret this.

A few minutes later, I hear the door open. I look up and see Josh and Tyler walk in. Tyler instantly sees me and starts beaming.

"Y/N!!!!" He yells and starts running over. I put my drink on the table and stand up. I open my arms and smile. A second later I feel him run into me at full speed and cling on. I grunt at the sudden impact but then start to chuckle.

"Hey Tyler! How have ya been?" I ask. "I've been alright, but not as good without my best friend." He replies, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Aww, i've really been missing you too." I reply, pulling back. Tyler smiles broadly as Josh walks over and we embrace. After a few seconds he pulls back.

"Oh my gosh Y/N! We have so much to tell you! Where should I start? Aw man i'm just so happy to finally be here and-" I cut Tyler off by laughing.

"Slow down there, Tyler. You guys go get your drinks, come back, and tell me everything." I say, sitting back down. Josh shoots me a look of gratitude and they go up and start to order their drinks.

I wait for a few, and they come back with their drinks. "Alright, tell me whatever you want." I say, and pull out my phone.

Tyler starts babbling and Josh joins in, and I record it. After a minute, it stops and I post a quick caption.

'One thing I absolutely love is seeing someone after a while and catching up.'

I quickly post it and turn my phone off. I set it on the table and allow myself to be sucked back up in the conversation. I smile, just so happy to be in their presence.


Final word count: 1115 words

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