Double date // J.D

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"Ready, Y/N?" Josh asks as he puts his jacket on. I brush my hair and adjust it until I like it. I look at myself in the mirror, and smile slightly. "Not too bad." I mutter to myself.

"Yeah, i'm ready. I can't even see you and I can tell that you are, Josh." I reply, flicking the light switch off and exiting the bathroom. He snickers and looks at me. "Are you a wizard?" He asks, pretending to be shocked. I giggle and nod. "How'd you know?" I ask jokingly.

He smiles at me and says, "I have my ways." I chuckle and look at him, I can't help but notice how beautiful he really is. Man, how did I get so lucky? (A/N: cheesy, I know)

"Y/N? Y/N? Hello? Earth to Y/N?" He asks, waving his hands in front of my face. I jump and snap back to reality. "Hmm?" I ask. "We're meeting Tyler and Jenna, remember? We're going on one of those double dates." He says.

"Oh yeah!" I say aloud, "I completely forgot about that!" He shakes his head with a smile. "Let's go love." He says and spins around towards the door. He starts walking when I stop him to do my checklist. I always do this to help with my anxiety. (A/N: I do this in real life too)

"Wait! Josh! Do you have the keys? Are all the doors locked? Do we have everything?" I ask. He slows down and holds up the keys, and says, "I've checked all the doors twice, and we don't need anything but money, and we both have that! Let's go!"

I smile to myself and run after him.. yup, he's a keeper. When I make it out to the garage, Josh is waiting for me in the car patiently. When he sees me, he smiles and starts the car. I smirk and close the door, and turn the handle to make sure it's locked.

I walk over and open the passenger door, starting to feel a little anxious as I sit in the leather seat. I close the door and buckle my seatbelt, trying to calm myself down. I feel a hand on my knee. I look over at Josh and see a weak smile.

"Hey, love. I can tell you're nervous. But don't be, okay? They're both super nice and super fun to be around. They'll LOVE you, I guarantee it." My eyes shift from his face to my legs as I let out a sigh. "I know... but you know how nervous I get around new people."

He sighs too. He grabs my hand which causes me to look at him. "Look, if you don't like them we can go home. But I highly highly highly doubt that'll happen."

I nod and smile. He smiles back and kisses my forehead. "Ready?" He asks, I nod in response. "Alrighty! Let's go!"

Time Skip

"Ready?" He asks, turning the car off. I nod excitedly. "Yeah! From what you've told me, i'm actually really excited!" He chuckles at me, "Oh wow, what a drastic mood swing." I grin at him and then eye the Joseph's house, it's really nice.

"I really like their house." I say, unbuckling my seatbelt. He does the same and chuckles. "Yeah, it's pretty nice, isn't it?" I open the door and get out, getting a better look. "Wow.." I mutter and shut the door, still looking at the house. I hear Josh shut the door too.

He walks around to my side and offers his hand. I smile at him and gladly accept. We swing our arms and walk up to the door. He lets go of my hand and knocks on the door. A few seconds later we're greeted by a smiling Tyler.

"Hey Josh!" He says and they do their signature handshake. Jenna comes to the door and rolls her eyes. "Excuse them, they do this every time." She says, making me chuckle. "Come on in! Have a seat!" She says with a big smile.

I walk past the two and enter their home. Gorgeous was an understatement. I sit across from Jenna at their dining room table. "Y/N! It's so nice to FINALLY meet you! I feel like I already know you from how much Tyler tells me." I blush and smile.

"And you're the famous Jenna Joseph? Josh always has been pushing me to meet you. He says that we'll be 'the bestest of friends.' " We both laugh.

"Well, as crazy as that sounds, I do agree with Josh on one thing." Jenna starts with a smile. "What's that?" I ask. "I have a good feeling about you. Maybe we will be 'the bestest of friends. " She responds, using air quotes on 'bestest of friends'.

"You know what? We might just be best friends. You know why? I already feel so comfortable telling you so much." I tell her.

She grins at me. "Wow, that's so cool, because I feel the exact same way!" We both talk for a little longer about anything and everything. I can tell we're gonna be great friends.

Just as I was about to tell Jenna something, I heard Josh say, "Look at 'em Tyler! I knew I was right when I said they should meet!" Jenna and I exchanged glances then turned back to the two.

"Okay, pause your conversation for a second." Josh starts, "Y/N, meet Tyler. Tyler, meet Y/N." I stand up and walk over to Tyler. I put out my hand but Tyler gives me a hug instead. I hug back and smile. After a few seconds, I pull back.

"I can tell you two are getting along nicely." Tyler says with a smile. Jenna gets up and stands next to me. We look at each other with a smile. "Oh, most definitely." She answers, and we all laugh at her reply.

"So.. what are we doing today?" Josh asks.


Word Count: 1035 words

A/N: Sorry this kinda sucked. Tell me if there should be a part two to this! Don't forget to leave requests for potential one shots! Okay, thanks for reading, bye!

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