The DT And The XI

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  It was nighttime. 3S slept on the bed on the other side of the room as I stayed awake. For some reason I couldn't sleep. 3S told me that sleeping recharges my motivation systems. Motivation for battle. It was nice of Lisa to allow us... well, me to sleep here. 3S was allowed already. "Mow." DT shoved his head under my hand and purred in advance. "C'mere little fella." I began petting him. I picked him up and walked outside the door.

I stood right in front. I was happy. I got to be this camps hero. *Ching!* Huh? What was that sound. *Klik-Klak* *Klik-Klak* Now it sounds like... someone walking in heels. Huh? I looked over and saw a woman with black hair and red highlights. "Um... h-hello." I waved. "Tch." She gave me a snappy look as she exited the area. She... had a bird. Was it like DT. "Meow." DT wanted out of my arms. I put him down but he ran off. "DT!" DT ran out of the camp, the same direction that woman went. "DT! Wait!" I caught up to him, but that's because he stopped.

I looked at the wall and saw a wanted poster. A5? That's her name? Huh. She's wanted. I grabbed the poster and looked at it. What is she wanted for? "C'mon DT." It was a short encounter. But I doubt next time will. I went back in the room to lay back down. I looked at the poster once again. A5, that's what she's called. Should I... avoid her?

Next Morning "5B. Hey. You gonna wake up anytime soon? It's already 12:47." When I opened my eyes, I saw 3S. "There ya are. It's already noon. Did you get any sleep?" He asked. "Yeah..." I lied. "Good. That means you could help out with a few requests right?" I probably shouldn't have lied about that. I was so tired. Maybe, I'll encounter that girl again. "Guess we should head out. The Weapon Trader needs some materials to make more weapons." 3S informed. "Alright." I'll ask him later.

  We started walking outside of the camp. "You should be able to see a small map in the corner of your eye. Thanks to that visor." 3S tapped the black cloth over his eyes. I didn't even realize my vision added more things. "Meow." DT rubbed his head and body against my leg. "I'm ready, let's go." I nodded once as I said those words. We ran out and to an empty area that was marked on my map. "This should be easy." I said. "Not quite. I scanned the city ruins and this area, is filled with aggressive Nevi machines." Nevi machines? Is that what they're called. "Alright." I said. "But don't worry, they're only Are's." Are's? I guess there're different name types for each one.

We went through a bundle of vines and roots of plants that had grown onto the walls. "Here's a piece." 3S kneeled down and grabbed a part. "Ah, here they are." I switched to a battle stance as I saw seven or eight machines. "Heh. Well," 3S stood up, "here we go." He took the same stance as before. His arm was out in the direction of the nevi. I ran to the nevi. When I shifted, I saw one of them blow up before I got there, before I could touch it. "Gah! W-what happened!?" I yelled. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you charged." 3S chuckled. I was facing him. Did he not see me as he shot these things? "Link!" He yelled.

Link? What does that mean? He stood there doing nothing. Idiot! *Kling!* Huh? I turned back to the nevi. "T-they're... THEY'RE ATTACKING EACH OTHER!?" I saw one of the nevi machines attacking the others. Is this his doing? The numbers went down to four to five. "Crap! They destroyed it". What the? That was 3S. Hmph, is he so lazy that he'd rather that thing destroy all of the enemies. I shifted again and used my magnet field to grab a few items to throw at the remaining two. I mean, thanks to that thing whom had  attacked it's friends.

  "We got everything." I said as I walked in the camp. "Oh, thank you two. Here's a reward." He gave us medium recovery items and other things that could help with upgrading our items. "Oh, that's right, can I ask you something, 3S?" I started. "Sure." He replied. "When we were fighting those things, what were you doing? You yelled things like Link and They destroyed it." I really was confused. "Oh, I forgot about your memory chip being damaged. Uh, well, I'm a scanner model. Link allows me to hack the machines. And sometimes when I hack them, they tend to either explode or allow me to control them." Wait, scanner models hack things? I guess I forgot some things about the android models. "What other kind of models are there?" And what does the A stand for. "I might as well tell you, there's only 2 of us EtO models left after that incident."

What? Only two? And what incident. "There are Battle androids. Basically the type you are. Scanners, Operators, a Commander and a few others such as type H and E. But that's about it." That's it? No As? So, A5 isn't part of that incident. "No As?"

I didn't mean to asked out loud! Crap! "As?" He questioned it? Has he not heard of A5? "N-never mind! I thought A type models would have been a thing." I defended my reason. "We should report to Lisa." 3S said. "Yeah, w-we should." I'll ask about A5 another time. Or should I ask Lisa? Maybe someone in the camp like Cola. Could they know? "Lisa." I started. "Huh, oh, number 5, what is it? Anything to report?" She asked. "Yes, we went around and completed some tasks." I replied. "May I give a task? If you don't mind of course." Lisa began her favor. "I need you to go to the desert, there's someone waiting for you there. I need you to scan the area." Lisa finished. "No problem." 3S nodded. "You're the only two EtO models. I'm still sorry about what happened." Huh? She knows what happened? I should ask her then... soon. "It's alright. It... w-w-was pretty bad." 3S let out a subtle, short and slight chuckle. "When we come back, I'll tell you more about it. Is that okay, 5B?" 3S turned to me. I nodded in response.
            End Of Chapter Two
Twin Machines
Coming Soon

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