4 Years old

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Another 2 years have passed since I started studying under Ms Anton. I don't know whether I have to be happy or sad because its almost time to part with the madam. After living in this world for 4 years, I have to say that it's quite similar with my old ones. Even though this kingdom is govern by a king, it still listen to the voices of the people. The education here is also quite advance. Like my old world there's a mandatory education that everyone have to go through, for both nobility and commoners. 

Exactly like my old world the lowest level is the elementary level and the highest is University. But the mandatory is only from elementary until High School level. The children have to start going to school since they are 6 years old, and I have 2 years before that happen. Although I still have 2 years before I have to went to school, my parents agreed to stop my tutor this year so at least I can relax for a bit. Another reason is because Ms Anton is getting on age, so she has to resign from her position as my private tutor. 

And today is the last day I will be seeing Ms Anton. 

"Ms Rena. Thank you for your diligence and effort you have given this past 2 years with me. I know it wasn't easy and that there times you run away from my lessons, but in the end you always come and try your best. I can say with pride that you are the most brilliant student I have and I am very proud to be able to be your teacher. I'm sorry if there were things that I did or say that might hurt you. Although I know what I did would be perceive cruel to a 4 years old, please believe me that I did those things in your best interest. With all the things I have taught you I know you will do fine in elementary even until junior high. You are very bright and creative. I believe even if you meet a difficult challenge you will be able to handle it. And so I bed you Adieu for now. Good luck Ms Rena." Ms Anton say and she gave me a formal curtsy.

While she said all that I tried my hardest not to cry. Although the past 2 years was hard and scary, I know for a fact that what she did was in fact for my best interest. I will miss this scary and strict Ms Anton.

"Thank you for this past 2 years Ms Anton. Regarding the way I act this past 2 years I want to apologize. Even though deep down I know its for my own good I still ran away from your class. I'm really sorry for being a bad student." I said while looking down. 

"Its okay Ms Rena, almost all my student were like that." I feel like she said that with a smile. Then she pat me while saying. "Just by you coming to my classes even though a little bit reluctant, you still stay all the way and give genuine efforts in your studies. So thank you."

Hearing that I look up and could see Ms Anton was smiling. Seeing that destroy my last defense and I cried like a baby while hugging Ms Anton. My parents could only look at us helplessly. And for Ms Anton she continue pat my head while hugging me. In the end I made a promise to write Ms Anton a letter once in a while. 


A few weeks past by and my mood is still down in the dumps, because of Ms Anton. Seeing me in that state makes my parents who are very doting to be very worried. So they invite me to visit my uncle and his family, Randy Draco, who lives quite far from my house. 

My parents thought it could help my mood by looking at other sceneries. Also its been a few years since my birth so its time to introduce me to my father and mother relatives. Usually I will be introduce to the high society when I reached 5 years old, but because of my mood, my parents decided to introduce me first to my father closest relatives and that is my uncle, Randy Draco, who is my father little brother. 

My uncle is different than my father. Where my father is an upright person who is pretty much head over heels for my mother. My uncle is known for the maidens heart that he broke. My father said he settled down a few years back and that he have a son. 

The location of my uncle home is quite far from my house, and so we needed to take the train to get there. As time passed by I can see the sceneries changing from our fief to places I never seen before. 


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*Sigh...* "Usually I will be very excited to see new places and meet new people, especially if its a relative. To add it up its the infamous little brother of my father. But, I guess its because I'm still down regarding Ms Anton and so I just can't get hype..." I thought to myself as I look at the sceneries from the car window.

After some time, I can see a station up ahead. 

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