Untitled Part 1 ( Motion of confusion)

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Jessalyn's  Pov.

I was so tired and drain from everything, I just wanted to lay down and sleep comfortably in my bed, except I couldn't I was at school. The teachers barely attend their sessions with us, with any of our year classes. So, could you imagine having an entire year group just roaming around the school, Sadly for me my classmates were every popular on our class was the place to be. Usually i would converse with them, pretend to be interested in them stories ' too good to be true stories', at the begin on the school year we had a transfer as well as a repeat students joining our family of 36, huge for one class I know. the transfer student Aaliyah, she  was every talkative, man you couldn't get her to shut up and sadly this was turning out to not be my year, since she sat next to me always craving  attention particularly mine. It was like having a little baby around, don't get me wrong I love babies just not one in a 17 year old's body. Along with her childish behavior came the physical ( her bones) always complaining , okay normal no biggy except, the stories she told my friends and I was how you put it, well it just didn't add up for someone with her condition. I didn't complain to her I kept my emotions bundled inside, as always until it was so unbearable. when she asking YES/NO questions and  began asking long answers questions that needed my undivided attention, " Aaliyah I'm not in the mood to talk." I snapped at her, finally she picked up on my body language and decided to bother someone else , thank the lord in his highest. I folded my arm across the table and roughly smacked my head against them earning a groan from me, eventually that was not enough  so i pulled the chair beside me closer and i rocked back staring at the ceiling until sleep came over me, I don't know how long I was out. I suddenly felt movement near the table to my left, i ignored it until a shadow like figure formed, I jut up only for my eyes to met his brown ones, embarrassment came flooding through my veins as i realized my position on the two chairs  under my skirt was near completely exposed, My eyes left his to stare out at the scenery through the the bricks, glancing at him now and again, " What do you want?" well that came out wrong, I sounded like I was pissed, maybe I was but not fully not yet anyways, "were you sleeping?" he asked looking at me studying my face, I snapped my head in his direction raising an eyebrow giving him an ' was that obvious ' look. " I'll leave you then." huh was this guy for real . He just woke me now he won't even stay. Did I even want him to stay? Debatable! So this guy is nun other than Julian Rod, he walks around school skipping classes now and again with a bunch of other guys like they run the place oh well the future as it in store for them some time I wish he would just buckle up with his studies, either way his dad passed away recently, actually I saw the post online and I felt bad wanting to give my condolences so I messaged him using messenger ( an app linked to Facebook another app, social media these days), one text lead to another and before we knew it it was morning man it was three day, i felt like i was begin to feel a connection between us, except I was no mind reader and asking him was no option considering my ex whose name shall not be mention was his friends and when thing ended Julian message saying " u're 2 gud for him, wat u did was the rite thing" but I was such a bitch about it, cause I thought 'ex' send him, was I being paranoid no I had only been messaged by two person whom 'ex' had sent my way, so I wasn't to blame for my rude behavior towards Julian, but before everything we share mare conversations him being friends with my classmates but it never went passed pleasantry. He didn't made my heart beat fasten or any of the sort, I didn't hate him nor did I like him either, I was just disappointed that someone cud throw away their lifes like that, well I came from a Hindu School and well respected home that I was thought the values of life and this school well that's a different story. Either way I was just plain on boring ordinary always in the library, always looking for and excuse to not get attach, to not get involved, to not do what normal teenage girls do at my age, but thought of disrespecting my parents especially my mom was too unbearable, I thought if I did atleast some stuff on the down low that it's better but soon the guilt  had me conscious of the people around me because there's this thing call ruthless brothers. So back to the present day where Julian  seem to be grasping my attention. I refused to believe there could be more, because I saw myself not worthy of him, the girls he limed with the people surround him how could i have matched up to that just plain boring Jessalyn . So what do I do? I brushed it off, and did the next best thing  turned a blunt eye and never looked back . Well I thought it would have been that easy. I guess not? But if I could help it , It would be.....


Hey guys this isn't my first wattpad book however I'm not any better at my writing. Thank you for bearing with me and my hopefully fruitful journey. This isn't spell checked so plzz no rude comments ....

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