9- New Teamates

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"Hello? Hello!?" I say trying to shout to see if anybody were near.
I woke up in a pitch black room in some sort of closed in cage. I wasn't sure what to do. Nor was I sure where I even was.
But soon, a random guy comes over to me. "Are you here to unlock me?" I ask.
He laughs. "Of course. Not. You think I'll do that?" He says with kind of recognizable voice. I still couldn't tell who he was.
"Where am I? What're you doing to me?"
"Just relax Y/N." a girl said this time. "Every- thing will be alright."
"And stop it with the questions okay? You're never going to come out and you'll be with us forever. Got it?" He asks me very intensely.
I didn't respond, I just nodded my head. Hoping that was a good enough answer for him. And then he backed away.
Was anybody going to save me? Am I really stuck here forever?

Shayne's POV

"Noah? Come with me. It's about Y/N." I whisper to him noticing that not just him heard.
He walked away with me as Flitz follows. We walk over to the bathroom for many odd reasons. And then notice flitz followed. "Dude, really? Why are you here?" I ask.
"You said it's about Y/N. So I was interested." He said.
"I said that to Noah, not you."
"Welp, I'm still staying." Flitz said leaning his back against the wall.
"Okay, what's going on?" Noah asks.
"So, I was outside in the alleyway with Y/N." I said as Noah interrupts.
"The same alley Boze would take her? Really Shayne? Not the best idea."
"I know, but let me finish. I took her out there because I thought it would be a place I can talk to her in private. Without ANYBODY bothering us."
"What did you guys talk about?" Flitz asks.
I look over to flitz. "Why do you care?"
"Oh, you know, just because. I mean, I know you like her. I can see it in your eyes."
"That's not what we talked about okay! It's none of your business." I said upset.
Noah gave me the look knowing something was up with that, but he still kept quiet. "Continue." He said.
"So then, we talked. And I looked behind me thinking something was there because we heard a loud noise. But then once I turned back to her. She wasn't there anymore."
"What do you mean?" Flitz asks.
"You mean like, she is gone?" Noah asks.
"Maybe, maybe kidnapped?"
"Yeah, no way. Just text her asking her what's up and she will answer." Noah said.

1 hour later...

"She is not answering." I said.
"We could be here all day. I think everybody left by now." Noah said.
"We should probably go back home." Flitz said. "Are you guys down for come to my place? None of the smosh games guys will know? Even if they do, I'll tell them it's just for work."
"Okay but, we must find Y/N before summer games. Or else Ian will be pissed at her." I said.
"Yeah, I don't want her getting into trouble." Noah said.
"Are you guys ready or not?" Flitz asks.
"Ready for what?"
"To go to my place?! I may need a ride though."
"Why not? I'll be right back and then we can go." I said leaving the room to grab my stuff.
Wait, I think I have a better idea of finding her.

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