18- New Hideout (part 1)

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Back from summer games...
Bf/N = boyfriends name

I woke up and I picked up my phone. So many texts on my phone from so many people. And a tons of missed calls.
Noah: I heard about your decision... I'm sorry, I guess you just loosed an ally...
Boze: I'll be at your house tonight at 5, bringing a friend, and dinner because why not?
Shayne: can we please talk today?
Courtney: too late. You can't come with me tonight. And I know you lied to me about Shayne.
I had to answer to all of them. I told Shayne I couldn't hang out. I told Courtney sorry, it wasn't my fault. I told Boze that I'd see her later. And I couldn't even answer to Noah, I felt bad...
I got up to go and get some breakfast. I decided to make a full meal. Not sure why, never know when there is company. Then my door bell rings. "Speaking of company." I say to myself as I go to the door.
I open the door to see my boyfriend. "Hey babe." He said as he kissed me. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." I said with my arms around him.
"What're you making?"
"Uh, breakfast? I may have extra if you would like some?" I ask.
"Sure. I'll take a plate." He said siting down on a bar stool of my island in my kitchen. "What have you been up to? It's been a while."
"Yeah, it's been months. I got a new job at smosh."
"I know. I had time to watch some of their videos, seems like a fun place to work at. Is it?" Bf/n asked.
I thought to myself. I felt guilty knowing that he has no clue what's been going on with me. I don't even know what's going on with him. "It is, I guess. One of my friends from there is coming over today."
"Around dinner. We're going out and hanging out for the night."
"Oh man, that sucks. I was hoping to take you out tonight. I even talked to your sister about it all and she suggested a place here. She also said that you don't have to come to Ohio super soon since I'm here now. She should have it taken care of." He said looking down at his phone. "She said in quote, it's fine if she stays there with you, let's just hope our mom doesn't die so soon. I think she will want to see her one last time."
"Yikes. I'll see Mom again, she won't die on us." I said outing breakfast on plates for us. "How was Europe?"
"Oh, it was fantastic. I met so many amazing people there. I would love to take you with me when I go again."
"Go again? I thought you said you were going to stay here?" I asked siting down next to him eating breakfast.
"Yeah... there is something that I need to tell you. I'm going back again in two weeks. And I want to live there, I want to spend the rest of my life there. With you Y/N."
"Uh, bf/n... I can't think about that right now. I finally got a job and now you want this?"
"You have a week to decide. I won't do it if you don't want to."
This, is going to be a very stressful day today...
At 5...

I was siting with my boyfriend all day watching tv and then my doorbell rang. I stood up and walked over to the door to answer. "Hey Y/N. I brought Damien with me if you don't mind?" Boze said. "And food like I said."
"Great, come in." I said.
"Oh hey, your Boze right?" Bf/n said standing up reaching out to shake boze's hand.
"Oh yes, and your?"
"Y/N's boyfriend, bf/n."
"Nice to meet you. This is my friend Damien Haas." Boze said.
"Nice to meet you. Could you excuse us for a second?" Damien asked bf/n.
"Sure." He said walking off.
"I thought you and Shayne were--"
"I don't know. I have been thinking about breaking up with him but I'm not sure."
"Well, he can't be here right now. We need to get our things done. Courtney hasn't left yet. We have flitz and Mari over at her house keeping watch. Wes and Joven are inside keeping guard to see if she does anything suspicious." Boze said.
"Should we make our way over?" I ask.
"Yeah, tell him bye because we need to leave." Damien said.
"But what about the food?" I ask.
"We can eat it on the way." Boze said. "Hurry, we will be in the car."
I walk over to the room bf/n is in. "Hey, I gotta go. See you tomorrow?"
I quickly leave interrupting him. I quickly hop in the car and we drive out. "So what did you get?" I ask.
"Chipotle. It was close by. I guessed your order." Boze said.
"You did a pretty good guessing."
"Let me get flitz and Mari on speaker phone." Damien said hooking up his phone to his car.
As the phone rang they quickly answered. "Hey guys, are you on your way?" Mari asked.
"Yeah, we're about five miles away."
"Well hurry, Wes and Joven said she is about to leave. We're trying to get out of sight."
"We will be there as soon as we can, we can't rush the traffic." Damien said.
"Fuck, she is out here already." Flitz said. "You guys need to do something quick."
"We're trying."
"How many more miles now?" Mari asks.
"3.6" Boze says.
"Hurry, gotta go. Bye." Mari said.
"Start following." Damien said hanging up.
"We should be able to find them easily." Damien said.
"Let's hope." I said siting in the back eating my chipotle burrito.
Flitz' POV

"Duck down. We don't want her to see us." Mari said as we both duck down.
I was texting on our group chat hoping they would catch up to us. But then Courtney took off and Mari and I slowly came along behind her.
As we started driving out of the neighborhood, we saw Damien, Boze, and Y/N. As we were slowly following Courtney with Damien behind us, we went off on to a very strange direction. We went off in to some sort of country road. Which with us three being the only ones driving on it, it made it easier for Courtney to tell we're following her. "Do you think she knows we're following her? She probably recognizes our cars." I said to Mari.
"She shouldn't. We're far enough behind her to where she can't tell it's us. We will be fine Amra." Mari said starting to stop.
"Why are we stopping. Because Courtney is, why? Fuck. I think she knows!" Mari said starting to freak out.
"Drive past her, we need to play this out. She can't know!" I said.
"I can't. We need to stop, Boze and them are behind us. So we will too." Mari said pulling over to the side of the road.
We all step out of the car as Courtney is standing next to her car pissed. "So, why were you guys following me?" Courtney asks.
Nobody answers. We're all kind of freaking out. "Oh, and just a warning." Courtney said turning her head toward a police car coming down the road.
"What the fuck?!" Boze shouts.
"Your fault for following me." Courtney responds as the cops pull over.
"Courtney. Nice to see you again."

To be continued in part 2...

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