Chapter 1

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On the night of the harvest moon, a young, sleek, grey wolf was walking along the forest edge near the University Of Wolf Creek campus. The night air was warm yet it had the bite of fall was in the air. The forest itself was started to turn colors from a lush green to the fall colors of red, brown, and yellow. The wind was slightly blowing and it had a small bite of winter to it. The young male wolf that I mentioned earlier was walking along a small creek.  What was so unique about this young wolf is that he is the alpha male and he is part wolf, part human. Or what you may call a werewolf.

  It is his job as the alpha male was to look for more people/wolves or werewolves to add to the pack.  This special wolf’s coat was a silver color with his bright blue eyes that could stare out anything. He walked along the creek in deep thought about what had happened the past year as well was what to be coming.  He knew some of his pack members had graduated as well started small packs of their own. He himself lost a mate to a tragic car accident and was still grieving over her. He howeled at the though of the memory that sounded through the forest to the collage nearby could hear it. He knew what must be done to help strengthen the pack and that was to wait until the new school year starts at the Universtiy. Which will commense the following week. He and his beta's are planning a through interviews as well as smelling or sensing their intentions with the new students to require fresh members. This alpha male of the Lone Moon wolf packs name was Jon O’Connor.

It was close to dawn when Jon had started to head back to where he drops off his clothes. He walked toward the edge of the forest, he met up with his friend whose name was Luke. “Hey, there you are Jon! What a great night to run and hunt. Well, we have a week until new folks come. I heard a large group of 30 were's are going to starting this term. It is one of the largest enrollement the school ever had. So is there anything you want me to past along to the pack?” Luke asked as he walks along with Jon.”Yeah, tell the others they can leave as well.” Jon said as he moves his blue eyes toward the horizon.”Oh all right, see ya later Jon." Luke says as he ran back to the pack.  

  As sun began to rise and make the school buildings shine in the distance, Jon stared at the scenery and began to get dressed. Jon was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a good deal of muscle. His brown hair slightly curled to his head, as he finished getting dressed he looked around to find his pack who were standing at the edge looking at him with his bright blue eyes.   He had a thick Irish accent that girls loved to hear.  Many women thought he was a good looking guy and try to ask him on a date. But he would kindly turned them down but then one day he had hung out with the wrong crowd, like doing drugs which messed up his transforming. For an example: one time when he  transformed, he would turn part man and the rest as a wolf.  Jon was messed up until he met his girlfriend whose name was Nicole. Nicole had help Jon clean up his act and putting him on the right track. He was the most happiest until one faitful day of the accident.

   Jon turned to face his pack to make an annoucement. "In two weeks, we have to be present to greet new students as well as new members of the wolf pack. But remember don't get too attached to the normal humans for they don't know about us, except for a few humans who have gained our trust. For you all know the rules: Don't get too close to a human girl or boy. If you do, let me meet them and don’t tell them our secret unless they are in danger. Don't get too angry at a human as a human. Don't kill the humans, no matter how mad they make you. Keep our secret and finally protect our pack with your life!" Jon said in his strong Irish voice.

 ‘I hope there are going to be no brawls among the young werewolves and the new members. Oh Nicole, I miss you soo much. I'll get the asshole who had killed you.' Jon sighs and lets out a long mournful howl before going home alone to his apartment. For you see, Jon had lost his mate in a terrible car accident and never had gotten a chance to gotten himself over her death. He went on a search to find out who killed her but no luck. He never left his house to do pack business for a month. After a while of no word, Jon decided to move on but in his heart it was hard to move on from his mate. The girl’s name was Nicole McKinnon.  

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