Chapter 18

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Meanwhile, Kaylyn had woken up to a large knocking. She crawled out of bed and opened the door up, and there was Karen with an armful of things for Kaylyn to change into. “Good morning Kaylyn. I have been sent to give you these to change into as well as some toiletries. Well, I have been thinking about something. You know Tom? Well, I think you captured his heart. Tom was a hard person to get to know. But last night after you woke him up from that spell. He seemed normal, and he was quite taken with you. He was asking me about you. Tom was like. ‘Kaylyn this, Kaylyn that.’ I told him to shut up and get over it. That you love Jon and no one else. But that didn’t change his mind.”Karen said as she set down some of the things on the bed. “Great, I don’t want Nikki’s older brother to fall for me. I love Jon and ONLY Jon. I don't even know Tom. How can he fall for me?”Kaylyn said as she went to pick up the clothes to look them over. “Well, before he was under a spell and he is the type who was strong but he was a gentlemen at the same time. He had a girl he loved who looked like you. I don’t remember what happen to her. I think she was killed as well. Her name was Erica and she had long brown hair and bright blue eyes. But maybe he thinks it is you. But that’s what I think might of happen and why he is falling for you. But he’ll protect you until Jon comes. I ran into Jon at the store, I saw him and I told him that you are safe and that I gave him directions to this house through my thoughts. He really is cute and he does have the most pretty blue eyes.  He told me that he loves you and he’ll kill anyone who stands in the way of being with you. He wanted me to give you this.” Karen said as she pulls out a long silver necklace with a wolf walking around a diamond or some sort of jewel.

“It is pretty! I’ll have to wear it at night so Tobias doesn’t take it.” Kaylyn said as she kisses the necklace and set it on her neck. There was bright light, then Kaylyn felt that she was transported to another world and standing in front of her was Jon smiling at her.  “Kaylyn, my beautiful fiancée. I’m glad to know that you are safe and alive. I love you and I need to know if you do love me.” Jon said as he started to walk toward her. Kaylyn just stood there in disbelief that Jon was standing in front of her.  “When I found out that you had left me, I was so lost. I went up to my old room to where you were sleeping just to catch your scent. I felt of my heart was torn in half. I love you Kaylyn.” Jon continued as he walked closer and gazed into her dark brown eyes.  “Jon? That note was a lie. I love you and I don’t want to leave you. Tobias said that to make you mad. I love you so much.” Kaylyn said as she raised an hand up to put on Jon’s face. “After I win this battle, I’ll hunt you down so I can kiss you more fiercely. But when I arrive you must not care for me. Just let Tobias think that you have moved on from me. But I’m going to start a fight between the females so you can prove yourself to them.  I have heard that Tom is among you in the pack. You can trust him, he loves his sister. But He knows that I’ll do the killing. Kaylyn, I miss you so much. I can’t wait to be with you. My heart feels like a piece of it is gone. I want my arms around you to hold you close to me. It pains me to be apart from you. You are my life. The necklace I gave you will protect you as well I can keep a watch over you. Plus, I wanted to see your face one more time.”Jon said as he walked toward Kaylyn. “Jon, my love. Oh how I missed you! Can I go and hold you? Or is this a dream?” Kaylyn asked as she too walked forward until she was standing right in front of Jon. “No, it’s not a dream. I temporally transported you here so I can see you and talk to you. I can touch you, but you’ll be transported back. So I’ll save all my kisses until I see you. I was crushed about that stupid note I really thought you felt that way. But then I got your thought you sent to me. I’m so happy that you sent that thought to me. It made me so happy and relieved to know that you still love me. I thought you didn’t want to be with me because I’m a wolf.” Jon said looking into Kaylyn’s eyes.

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