Chapter 3

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      After a week or so of classes, Kaylyn is adjusting to her new life as a college student. She always look forward to her Math classes to see Jon.  He was a nice guy and she was slowly starting to fall for him.  As the football game approaches, Kaylyn still need to get something to wear on her date with Jon. "Jessica, are you doing anything right now??" Kaylyn asks when she got back to her dorm. "No why?" Jessica said looking at her. "I need help looking for an outfit to go on a date with Jon on Friday. He’s taking me to the game.” Kaylyn said blushing. “WHAT?? He asked you out? I wonder if Eric knows about this. Hmm, oh well. Yes I will help you. I'll take you the mall, now what about money? Do you have enough to get a nice dress or something?" Jessica asked as she walks with Kaylyn out to her car. "Oh yeah I saved up some money when I worked back home. I'm applying for a couple jobs here near school to.” Kaylyn said as she got into the car. “Oh good then, let’s get you a nice skirt and blouse. Because the weather guy says it’s suppose to be warm the night of the game. What do you want to wear?” Jessica asked as she pulls up to the mall. "I do want to wear a dress but I don’t want to be hit on by some drunks or something like that. But I can wear a skirt or something. I do want to look nice but not too nice.” Kaylyn said as Jessica pulled into the parking lot of Macys. “I understand, ok let’s try here and look for something nice that has school colors. You could wear jeans and a cute shirt or blouse.” Jessica suggested looking at blue blouses. “Yeah, and wear a sliver jacket over the blouse.” Kaylyn said looking at jewelry. Kaylyn picked out some dark blue earrings. 

    Kaylyn got a dark blue basic v-neck t-shirt and a nice pair of dark blue jeans with a wolf necklace and a sliver jacket. "Why do you think Jon would ask me to go with him?" Kaylyn asked as she sat down in front of Jessica near a Chinese food place. "I don't know. He must have noticed you when you first saw him or something like that. Just be glad he asked you out. He doesn’t go out with girls that much these days. He has went out on a couple dates in the past couple years but those girls were, let’s just say, sluts to a T. Most of them where whores or drug addicts. The onyl girl that was the best he had was Nikki or Nicole. Remember what I told you about his old girlfriend?  Eric, recently just told me he still isn't over Nikki and what happened to her.  But now I think he begins to realize that Nikki would have wanted him to move on. Hence why I thinke he asked you out. Hey, let’s not talk about that. So Kaylyn I never got a chance to ask you but how old are you?” Jessica asked. "I'm 21 and though I look young, I'm 21 for sure.”  Kaylyn said. Kaylyn told Jessica about her more about her life as they rode home to catch up on some homework. Kaylyn had put her new things away and sat at her computer to start her term paper as well check some emails.  She had an email from home. Kaylyn was a bit homesick but she emailed home to tell her family that she was fine. Tomorrow was her date with Jon and she was nervous. She went to bed said her prayers and dreamed of the first date.

         Jon on the other hand was just as nervous as Kaylyn. He was getting excited and he was starting to like Kaylyn a lot. He always talk to her after class about a lot of things. He thought that her smile was pretty and he liked how her eyes shine in the sunlight as he drove home from classes. He went though his closet to look for something nice to wear for his date with Kaylyn. He took out a dark blue shirt and jeans. He layer out his zipped up UWC sweater and scarf and a stocking cap. After he done so, he walked toward the kitchen and thought 'Where should I take her out to eat? I know I'll take her to a close burger joint and maybe some drinks. Thank God Eric told me she was 21. I don't mind the fact she is a year or two younger than me.’ thought Jon as he does some laundry while he thought about it. As he was doing some laundry, the door knocked. He went to look at the peep hole. It was Luke.

     "Luke what’s going on?’ asked Jon. "Hey, I got news on the rival pack. Yes, there are some rival wolfs in the territory, but they haven’t cause any trouble so far. I just wanted you to know before I left before I go out of town. “Luke said with a serious look on his face.”Oh right, thanks for telling me. Do the others know about them as well?"Jon Asked. "No, but you can let them know tonight. Since you have no classes tomorrow and you don’t work tomorrow was well. Hey, I got to catch a plane so I'll see you when I get back from being out of town. “Luke said as he leaves.”Ok, see-ya but be very careful. “Jon said as he shuts the door, he grabs his keys and starts to walk out towards the woods. Once he arrived at the woods, he changed into a wolf and howled into the night to send a message to his pack about the other wolfs. He ran toward the area forest close to Kaylyn’s dorm. He sniffed the air to catch her scent, then he saw her in the window with Jessica talking. Jon smiled. 'I can't wait to see you Kaylyn, but I need to make sure you'll be safe. I hope you have safe dreams tonight.’ thought Jon as he ran to meet up with his pack back in the forest. He started at the small gathering at the wolves and gave them the run down of what is the situation. He caught a strange scent on the wind, he didn't recongized it. So he figured that it was the rogue wolves in his territory. Jon wonder why they were there in first place and he had to find out soon. As well to make sure that none of them bring any harm to Kaylyn or the humans. Jon left them alone for now before he went back toward his apartment and changed back into his human form.  He opened his apartment door and locked once he got inside. Jon walked carefully back into his room and locked the door and he got into bed. He fell asleep thinking of Kaylyn.

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