Chapter 5

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Kaylyn rushed over to see what happen to Jon. When Jon opened his door, he looked terrible. As Kaylyn gasped at the sight of him and then he smiled a little and then he fell but Kaylyn caught him and brought him back inside and laid him down on the couch. Kaylyn got up and shut the door and locked it and went inside the kitchen to look for the First Aid. When she found it, she hurried back to Jon’s side and took off the blood dripped shirt and tended to the wound on Jon’s side and shoulder. "Oh Jon, please be ok. I don't want anything to happen to you.” Kaylyn said as she was trying hard not to cry her eyes out. She cleaned the wound as best as she can and wrapped it tight. Then she started to work on the wound on his shoulder. Kaylyn cleaned up the mess and grabbed a blanket and pulled it over Jon and kissed his forehead. She put a hand on his face and gently rubs it. 'I think I'm in love with him. But I can't be for too sure if he feels the same way.’ thought Kaylyn as she felt Jon began to stir. Jon woke up and looked into Kaylyn’s eyes. "Hi Jon, You ok? What happen to you?" Kaylyn said in a weak voice. "Yeah I'm fine, thank you Kaylyn. It was a big bar fight and I got beat up pretty bad but I'm ok now. Thanks to you. “Jon said as he held her hands.”That good, you want me to stay or go?" Kaylyn said looking at him. "You can go now and thank you again Kaylyn."Jon said getting up grunting.  "Ok are you sure?"Kaylyn asked helping Jon up. "Yes, I'm sure. Thank you for the bandages. I look forward of seeing you again soon. I'll call you later ok?"Jon said looking at her in the eyes. "Ok, you’re welcome Jon. I hope you get better and I'll talk to you later. “ Kaylyn said as she turned to leave, but Jon grabbed her arm and lifted her head toward his and pulls her into a kiss on the lips. Kaylyn was shocked about the kiss then she melted. Kaylyn could feel a huge warmth coming his lips. Jon took his hand ran it through her hair. As she pulled away blushing. "I...I'll call you later Jon. “ Kaylyn said leaving him. Kaylyn felt her face turning beat red. She walked down the stairs carefully. She felt drunk, though she had nothing to drink that whole night. She managed to get home safely and she just fell into bed and as she falling asleep she can still feel the taste of Jon’s lips on hers.

        After Jon shut the door, he walked slowly toward his bedroom. 'I just kissed Kaylyn and I'm surprised she didn't slap me in the face.’ thought Jon as he walked down the hall. He had noticed Kaylyn had cleaned up the blood the best she can and helped take care of him. He laid down on his bed carefully. He called Eric to see if he and the others got home ok. "Yeah Jon I'm fine, Jessica came here and helped heal me. What about you? You lost a good deal of blood. “Asked Eric.”I called Kaylyn to come over and help me with my wounds. She helped my wounds and cleaned up the mess as well. She doesn't know what really happened. I just told her that I got hurt in a bar fight. I told her thanks and gave her a kiss on the lips as she left. “Jon said slightly blushing.

”That good you told her something else. But, how long must you lie to her? She is going to find out and then maybe leave you. But I know you doing this to protect her and the pack as well. But dude, she will soon have the right to know unless you’re planning to leave her. But I can tell that you’re not going to do that sort of thing anytime soon. You kissed her? Dude, I'm happy that you found someone you care for. She’s a great girl. You should take her out to Red Lobster or something like that for your next date or something like that. Also you should tell her how you feel because she going to think the kiss was not a joke or something like that. “Eric said.”Your right and I will on our next date. Because I didn't know why I kissed her but I just lean in and gave her a kiss on the lips. I don't regret doing so. “Jon said as he gets ready for bed.”Oh good. I'll tell Jessica what happen with Kaylyn. I'll keep you posted about Jamie. “Eric said.”Ok, good-night Eric. “Jon said as he fell asleep thinking of how soft Kaylyn’s lips were.’ I must be falling in love with her. Otherwise I wouldn't have kissed her. But I couldn't be falling in love with her, because I had promised myself that I wouldn't fall in love again. But being with Kaylyn is helping me heal my broken heart. I must be in love with her. Also she makes me feel at peace and happy.’ thought Jon. Jon got his phone out and looked at his pictures then he saw a picture of Kaylyn. Jon smiled at the picture and sighed. 'She is so beautiful and I do love her. I must tell her how I feel but does she feel the same for me? Plus I have to show her my otherness soon but not now.’ thought Jon as he laid down for the night. During the night, Jon had a dream that Kaylyn saw him in his wolf form and she screamed and says "Stay away from me you beast!” Jon woke up in a deep pool of sweat. 'Thank God it was a dream. I don't want Kaylyn to be scared of me. I want her to be brave and maybe love me for who I’ am."Jon said as he looked at the clock. It was 3 in the morning and Jon went back into a dreamless sleep.


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