Chapter 8

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The night went by fast and he knew dawn was coming. He walked toward his clothes and transformed back into a human and got dressed. He grabbed his spared keys under the floor mats and opened the door quietly. He saw Kaylyn put her things on the couch. He walked quietly to his bedroom and saw her fast asleep. 'She is so beautiful even when she’s asleep. Plus, she looks really cute wearing my clothes.’ thought Jon as he sat on the edge of the bed and lean in to give Kaylyn a big kiss on the lips. Kaylyn woke up. "Morning beautiful, I am sorry about last night but I just wanted you to know for a good reason.”Jon said looking at her. "Morning Jon and its ok. I do want to know what’s that reason is, but let me make you some breakfast first ok?" Kaylyn said getting up. Jon smiles and gives Kaylyn a big kiss on the lips and runs his hands through her hair. "I'm just glad you know about the fur problem." Jon said as he walked with Kaylyn into the kitchen. "I love you Jon, but I also want to know who else is a wolf?"Kaylyn asked as she pulled some eggs and some sausage out of the fridge and set them down on the counter as she looked for the pan. "I love you too Kaylyn.”       

    “There are a few others. Eric is one and Jessica does know, but she was promised not tell you or anyone about our secret. I trust you enough not tell anyone or talk about what’s going on with anyone but of pack or Jessica." Jon said walking up to her. "Oh? Good I can talk to her about how she deals with this. Ok, so why now you wanted to tell me this secret?" Kaylyn asked as she cracked some eggs. "I don't want to worry you, but there are some good wolfs and bad wolfs. I'll tell you once you are done cooking the eggs and sausage,” Jon said. Kaylyn finished making breakfast and said "Ok spill. What’s the difference between a good wolf and a bad wolf?" "Well just to let you know there are two types of wolfs. Good wolfs and bad wolfs. The good ones are like me and my pack that protect humans like you from the bad ones who like to kill and hunt humans just for fun. Now before I became serious with you, there were some bad ones in my territory and they didn't hunt any humans that I know of.

 But one of the bad ones saw you and wanted to kill you for fun. But I killed him and I got into a fight with the other ones who were with the one. I got hurt remember when I called you?"Kaylyn nodded." They are going to be more killer wolves coming to take revenge of what happen to the ones I killed. I don't want them to know about you. You mean a lot to me and I don't know what I would do if I lost you, I have lost one love and I managed to get over it but I don’t think I can get over losing another woman I love so dearly.” Jon said looking deep into Kaylyn’s eyes.”So I might be in danger? I can keep myself safe. I took some self defense’s classes." Kaylyn asked. "I bet you did. But that doesn’t stop the fact that I’ll worry about your safety. You'll be safe with me and Jamie. Jamie is also a wolf and she can protect you when I'm not around. But nonetheless, I want you to be safe Kay. I love you too much to you lose you now,” Jon said taking Kaylyn in his arms.”I love you too Jon and do you want me to stay with Jamie or just continue to stay with Jessica?" Kaylyn asked looking up into Jon’s eyes. "I think it’s best if you and Jessica can move in with Jamie. She has a house and she could use roommates." Jon said. "Ok well, I’ll wait until the end of term so me and Jess can move out by then. “ Kaylyn said thinking about how much stuff she is going have to pack.  But while she was in Jon’s arms, she could smell somewhat a dog smell on him. She smiled as she leads her head on his shoulder. "Oh yeah, that works. I can help you move and it make me feel ALOT better if you were with Jamie. But I may steal you away a couple times to be with me." Jon said, leaning in to give her a passionate kiss. "Hm, so I do mean that much to you? After all I'm just a human, but I think I have a certain power that may help you with any magical beings. But I don't know if it will work or not."  Kaylyn said after the kiss. "Oh? What power is that my love?"Jon said kissing her cheekbone down to her neck. "Ohh I can see magical influence. Or basically if someone was under a spell I can tell if they are or not. “ Kaylyn said trying hard to focus even though she was enjoying the way Jon was kissing her.

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