Chapter 13

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Jon smiled and helped Kaylyn start to pack the car down with stuff. Then Jon and Kaylyn drove back home to Wolf Creek and Jon took Kaylyn to his apartment and said to her. "Listen, stay here tonight. I'll be watching you, and making sure that you are safe tonight. Plus if something happens to me, I want you here to help me heal. I have also put a magic spell to repel anything unless I have invited them in. I love you Kaylyn. I'll howl to let you know I'm alright." "Oh, alright. I love you too Jon. I don't want to worry about you if I heard if you or any others get hurt. But I'll stay here and hold the fort and make sure that if someone is hurt, I'll heal anyone if it comes to a war thing. “Kaylyn said wrapping her arms around Jon. "Hun, be careful it’s my heart that I'm leaving with you. I love you and I'll be back soon. “Whispered Jon and kisses Kaylyn on the lips.”Be careful, I'll be here keeping the apartment warm and clean. “Kaylyn said laying her head on his shoulder.”Ok, I'll see you later. Take care Hun."Jon said as he gave Kaylyn one last passionate kiss and he left. He ran to the woods and transformed. He met up with Hector and the rest of his pack and went to challenge the other pack. Jon walked ahead in front of the others toward a clearing. On the side of the woods, was a larger pack with bigger wolfs. One large black wolf leads the others as a V-form and walk toward Jon. Jon sat down in the middle of the large field and waited as the other wolfs sat down. "Why did you kill my other pack mates? They just came to look for food and maybe a new place to live. “Asked the dark brown wolf whose name was Bruce.”They were going to attack humans in the area. Plus I'm in charge of this area and protection of the local humans. They were going to kill my mate who is human. “Jon said.”Hmmm, they were going to kill humans? I told them not to harm them. But the brown one whose name was Edward, he never listens to me. He had deserted the pack, but I didn't know he would take other wolves with him. But he was my brother even though he had left the pack. I still love him and now I must take revenge against the one who had killed him. Who among your pack had killed my brother?"Asked Bruce.

"It was I that had done that. I couldn't let your brother hurt my mate. I'm very protective of her. I think we should just have a fight. Just us two, if I win, you and your pack leave this wood and never come back. But if you win, you can take control of this pack and I'll leave this pack. “Jon said as he looked down.”That fair enough, my pack will leave here. What about the fight? Is it to the death or to dire injury? What about your mate? You’re going to leave her if I beat you?"Asked Bruce. "It’s to dire injury and as for my fiancée, I may leave her here because I want her to stay here and find someone else. I love her with all of my heart. But I don't want her to be ashamed of me if I do lose and I have to leave her. Plus, I don't want to hurt her if I got upset and had hurt her without meaning to. I want her to finish school. Also, what if she is in the woods and I can't tell if a prey is her or not. I don’t want to lose her. I already lost another mate in an accident not too long ago. My mate has helped me moved on from that. “Jon said pointing his nose down.”I see, who do you want to be the judge? Someone from my pack or yours?"Said Bruce. Then all of the sudden, Hector came forward. "I'll be the judge of this fight. “Said Hector standing in the middle of the field. The two packs had broken up and spread out in a big circle around the two fighters. Jon closed his eyes to say a quick prayer and then opened them when the black wolf attacked. Jon dodged Braces teeth, then bounced back to sink his teeth in Braces back legs. Then Bruce tried to get Jon’s legs and bit one of them, but Jon kept moving his back legs. Then Jon broke Bruce’s leg and Bruce let out a loud howl. Bruce fell and tried to get up limping. Hector came in the middle and growled at Bruce’s pack that looked like they were going to kill Jon. "Jon is the winner of this challenge. You must leave now! Or I'll take every one of you out."Announced Hector. Jon was panting and bleeding from one of his legs. One of the younger wolfs, of Bruce's pack, came and took a big bite at Jon’s side. Jon howled and tried to turn his head to get the young wolf’s head away from him.

Then Hector charged and took the young wolf’s body and tossed it towards Bruce’s pack. "Get out now!"Said Hector as Bruce limped back and nodded at Jon. Jon tried to get up but then fell back down. Eric came towards Jon as he transformed back into a human and helped carry back to the apartment. "JON! Oh no! Please be alright. How he’d do?"Kaylyn asked when she had opened the door. "He won Kaylyn. He just fought the leader and won, but one of the youths from the other pack had attacked him and hurt him real bad. “Eric said.”Set him on the bed. Tell me what the bet between the leader and Jon was?"Kaylyn asked as Eric set Jon carefully down on the bed. "Well, if Jon had won, the leader and his pack must never set foot on Jon’s land again or be killed." "What would happen if Jon lost?" "Kaylyn, this may hurt you but I think Jon said it for what was best for you. But he had said that he would leave the pack and everyone behind forever. “Eric said grimly.”He said he would leave everyone. Even me?"Kaylyn asked carefully tending to Jon's wound "Yes, the other pack leader had asked about you. He didn't want you to be ashamed of him. But I could tell he didn't want to leave you. He truly loves you Kay; he didn't want you to get hurt or anything like that. Plus, he wanted you to stay here and finish school. “Eric said. Kaylyn had sighed and wrapped up the wound.  She heard Eric leave to tell the pack about Jon. Then she puts a damp cloth on Jon’s forehead. "Why, would you leave me? I love you and I would go anywhere with you. “ Kaylyn said as she leans in to give Jon a big kiss on the lips. Jon opens his eyes to look around and saw Kaylyn with a little tears going down her cheek. Jon grunted as he sat up and leans in to wipes Kaylyn’s tears and looks into Kaylyn’s eyes. "Why are you crying Kaylyn? I love you my darling. “Jon said.

"Why were you going to leave me if you had lost that battle? Why weren't you going to take me with you?" Kaylyn said with more tears coming down her cheeks. "Kaylyn, I...I just wanted what was best for you. I know you’re going to school and I wanted you to finish it. It pained me to say that I would part from you. I just wanted you to be safe and maybe be away from me the monster. In case you were out in the woods and I couldn't tell if that was you or not. I could hurt you and I can't do that sort of thing with you. “Jon said looking down.”Jon, I love you even though you are a werewolf. I thought I had told you that. “ Kaylyn said taking Jon’s hand.”I know, but I just had a thought what if I got really mad about something and then I attacked you? I would never forgive myself if anything had happen to you. You mean a lot to me Kaylyn. You are my life “Jon said taking Kaylyn’s face into his hands and leans into a big kiss.”That what made you win the fight? So you wouldn't be parted with me?"Kaylyn asked after the kiss. "Yes, and I wanted to make sure you’re safe away from that wolf’s pack. I wanted to be with you more than anything. Like right now, I want to get married to you and have a wonderful life with you. I don't want to lose you like I did Nikki." Jon said as he pulls Kaylyn onto the bed and wraps his arms around her. "I know, but I was worried that if you did lose. I would have never seen you again without a word. I would of gone crazy without a word from you. “ Kaylyn said laying her head on his shoulder.”Me too Kaylyn."Jon said as he kisses the top of Kaylyn’s head.

Kaylyn fell asleep in Jon’s arms. But Jon was up and was staring at Kaylyn’s face for the longest time. 'I really love her. If anything should happen to her. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. If she gets hurt, I would hunt down the person or animal who had ever had hurt her. I can't believe she is going to be my wife. I know for a fact that I'll be happy once that day comes.' thought Jon as he leans in and give a passionate kiss to Kaylyn. He runs his hands down her hair and wraps his arms around her tight and held her close. Then he had fallen asleep.

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