Chapter 1

710 14 1

September 28th, 2002


- Christina's POV -

"So, Christina, how are you? I know you went through a tough break up recently, how was that for you?" The interviewer asked me.

"I'm great." Stop lying Christina, "I mean, it was hard for me to deal with but i had people around me who really helped me pull through." I really need to stop lying.

"Did you write about it?"

"Yeah, i did actually. There are a few songs on my new album that are to do with...that whole thing."

"Now, your single Dirrty. Some people are, let's face it, shocked. Do you have a message for these people?"

"Just wait until the video." I force a smile as the interviewer nods. I'm trying really hard to focus on this interview but the only thing i can think of right now, is partying. All i do most nights is party, it's the only way i can seem to forget. This past year has been hard, I've been betrayed and broken and now I'm lost and i can't seem to find my way back. Everyone around me is disappearing, I can't trust anyone anymore. Though i must say I've learnt to ease the pain, i turn to drugs, sex and alcohol. I'll admit, it's fun and it does help me but after I come down from my high and I'm left alone in my bed with a hangover, i feel empty and alone.


"Um, what was the question?"

"You've recently been spotted quite a bit at nightclubs and strip joints all around the world. According to some close sources your drunken antics, hardcore partying and one night stands are beginning to get out of control. What do you have to say?"

Ha, what close sources? "Look, I'm 21 and I'm having fun. I'm gonna go where ever the hell i want, drink whatever the hell i want, smoke whatever the hell i want and sleep with who ever the hell i want. I'm not saying i do all of that but what I am saying is, I'm young and I'm going to do whatever the fuck i want."

"Thanks for spending your afternoon with us Christina but unfortunately we are out of time. It was lovely to meet you and i hope i have the uh..pleasure, of interviewing you again."

Finally, it's over. I hate interviews, it's always the same boring people, asking the same boring questions. I shook the lady's hand and walked out of the building to see my driver waiting for me. I hoped in the car and he drove me home. When i got inside i immediately hit up a bunch of my "friends" to see who wanted to come partying. Within an hour i got a few texts from people saying they could come out. Half these people i have never talked to more than a few times but I'm desperate to go out, so I'll take anyone.


We've been at the club for a while now and I invited this cute guy and his friends to come sit with my friends and I. I'm making it pretty clear to him that i only want one thing and i think he gets the message.

"So, do you wanna come back to my place?" I asked, biting my lip. He nodded in agreement as i grabbed his hand and led him to my car.


I woke up in my bed with an arm around my waist. Trying to remember the events of last night is like getting hit by a bus, it hurts like a bitch.

"Christina?" The guy next to me spoke in a husky voice, to be honest, it kind of turned me on.

"Jake?" I'm not even sure if that's his name.

"It's Josh."

Nope, Jake is not his name.

"Sorry, Josh."

"It's fine. I didn't expect you to remember anyway. You got pretty wasted last night." He said, sitting up revealing his toned body. I just can't take it anymore.

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