Chapter 8

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- Jordan's POV -

I sat in the lounge room with Allison while I waited for Christina and Adam to come back from their, as Allison likes to call it, 'Couples Training'.

"Jordan, I need to ask you to stay away from Christina for a little while, just while she's with Adam. You two spend a lot of time together and I don't want people to start getting suspicious, it will only cause more problems." She spoke, abruptly changing the conversation topic.

My reply to her was just a simple nod of my head. I couldn't find any words to explain to her how I felt about it, so I decided it would be easier if I just went along with what she wanted. After all, it would be for Christina's benefit and right now that's all that really matters to me.

"I'm not saying to stop seeing her completely, I just need you to limit the amount of time that you two spend with each other. Is that ok with you?" She asked.

Of course it's not ok with me but I nod my head and agree once again. I decide that it's better if I just leave and let Christina do her thing with Adam. So I stood up and walked out without saying a word.

- Christina's POV -

The past few months have been horrible. It's not my life this time, it's my relationship with Jordan. I've been promoting my album all around the world which makes it hard enough as it is to see him. He has never even called me once and whenever I call him to try and make plans he makes up some lame excuse. I think it's safe to say that me and Jordan are drifting apart, and I hate it. I hate not being around him. I hate not talking, laughing, teasing or joking with him. I hate not being able to call him my best friend anymore and the worst part is that it hurts more than it should.

I finally arrived back in LA after a gruelling 3 months travelling the world. When I walked inside my house I was surprised to find Adam there.

"Welcome home." He smiled, as he handed me some flowers. He also did something unexpected, he kissed me.

"Christina! I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's fine." I reassure him. He nods and smiles as he leads me into the kitchen.

"I bought you some Wendys. Allison told me it's your favourite." He said.

"Yeah, thanks." I smiled as I sat at the counter and began to dig into my food. I haven't eaten fast food in ages. While I was travelling I barely ate, I just felt so down. I barely did anything really.

"So, how's the world?" Adam asked.

"It's cool." I say simply.

He nods and continues eating.

"Have you spoken to Jordan recently?" I asked.

"No. Why?"

"No reason."

"Do you want to go see him?"

"No. I don't really want to talk to him right now."

He nodded his head again as he moved his eyes away from mine and back onto his food.

We finished our food and went into the lounge to watch a movie. I cuddled Adam on the couch for a while before I sat up and asked him a question.

"Why are we together?"

"We're being forced to."

"No. Now. Why are we together now? There's no cameras or anything."

"I like spending time with you." He shrugged as he took his attention off me and centred it back on the movie. I wasn't expecting his answer so I didn't say anything back. I just continued watching the movie and eventually fell asleep.

After I woke up the next morning, I spent the day with Adam. Getting to know him has been interesting he's actually a really great guy, contrary to my prior beliefs of him being kind of an asshole. Anyway, after doing plenty of different things all day, we decide to watch a movie. After an eternity deciding what movie to watch, we were finally able to sit down and chill out. We didn't get to watch much of the movie before Allison walked in.

"You two getting along?" She asked.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Good because you two are going to a party tonight."

"Who's party?"

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is you two need to act like a couple. You have an hour to get ready. Be quick." She said, pushing both Adam and I up the stairs.

"How am I supposed to get ready? I have no clothes here." Adam said.

"I'm sure Christina has some clothes for you. The amount of guys she has-"

"Allison! That's enough." I said, cutting her off. Sure enough though, Allison was right. I had almost a draw full of clothes that guys had left here.

"Where did you get all these?" He asked, looking over my shoulder as I was digging through the clothes.

I let out a small laugh, "Trust me, you don't want to know."

I tossed him some clothes and he was ready in a matter of seconds. If only I could get ready that quick. It took me almost the full hour Allison had given us.

We walked outside where Allison was waiting in the car. We were driven to the party and spent about an hour just sitting down and talking before someone walked over to us.

"Christina?" He asked.

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