Chapter 7

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"So, how was your date?" Jordan asked, as he took a seat next to me on the couch.

"Alright." I said, shrugging and taking a sip of my coffee.

"C'mon, spill." He was acting like a teenage girl, it was quite funny to be honest.

"Well, he took me out for dinner."


"We went back to his place, we talked, we had sex. You know, normal date stuff."

"You had sex with him again?"


"I thought you were a one night kinda gal." I shot him a glare before he tried to fix what he said, "That's not what I mean. Just why did you sleep with him again?"

"I don't know. We were talking and it just, you know, happened."

"Christina Aguilera sleeping with one guy, it's a miracle!" He said jokingly.

"You make it sound like I'm some kind of slut. I'm just a girl who likes to explore my sexual preferences. Just like you love to explore your different butt-fucking techniques."

"I'm not gay. I just have a lot of girls who are my close friends. It's harder to find a girlfriend than you think."

"Pick a girl out of your group of close friends. There's your girlfriend problem solved."

"Maybe I've already picked one." He said, looking at me.

"You want pizza? Let's get pizza! I'll go order the pizza!" I said, jumping off the couch and running into the kitchen. I looked like the biggest idiot but I panicked. Was he talking about me? I don't know, but the way he looked at me when he said it. He stared right into my eyes with such intensity. He had to be talking about me?

I ordered the pizza and walked back into the lounge where I continued to talk with Jordan. He acted completely normal, like he had never said anything to me.

After a while, the doorbell rang. I answered the door, taking the pizza out of the guy's hands.

"Wait, you're Christina Agui-" I cut him off by shutting the door. You may think it's rude but I honestly don't care. I don't have time for delivery boys and I over tipped him anyway.

I walked back into the lounge where Jordan was waiting for me to sit down with the pizza.

"Uh uh, we don't eat on my couch." I said, as I walked past him into the kitchen.

"Well excuse me, I didn't know you had rules regarding food consumption." He said as he followed me into the kitchen.

"I do and if you want to keep coming over you better follow them."

"The original rule breaker is now making up the rules, how ironic." He smirked.

"When you break all the rules like me, you have to make some more." I said as I walked past him with my pizza, sitting on the couch.

"The badass is back." He laughed.

I roll my eyes, "Are you gonna eat this pizza or what?"

"I would but there's this rule that I'm not allowed to eat on the cou-" I cut him off by throwing a piece of pizza at him. It hit him square in the chest.

"Damn it Christina! This is a new shirt!"

"Aw sorry. Here let me get that for you." I said as I pulled the piece of pizza that was stuck to his shirt and slap it on his face, "Much better." I smiled.

"You're gonna get it now." He said, as he grabbed me and started to tickle me. The natural reaction to being tickled is of course to wriggle as much as possible, so I did and ended up tripping the both of us over. Jordan was now laying on the ground with me on top of him.

"You have a bit of um.." I said, pointing to the side of his face.

"What? Here?" He asks, completely missing the bit of pizza sauce that was currently on his cheek.

"Here, let me." I said, reaching down and wiping it with my thumb.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"No problem." I smile back.

"Are we interrupting something?" I hear the familiar voice of Allison, as I look up and see her standing by the door with Adam behind her.

"No, no." I said, quickly getting off of Jordan.

"Good because you and Adam have couples training." She said.

"Couples training?" I asked.

"You two just bond, that's all I ask of you. Couples training just sounds cooler." She said.

"We don't need to bond. We know each other well enough." I said.

"Alright then. Adam, what's Christina's eye colour?" Allison asked.

"Blue." He said.

"Christina, what's Adam's?"

"Brown." I say, though it sounded more like a question and it kind of was, I don't know these things about him.

"Adam, how old is Christina?" She asked.

"21." He said.

"Christina, how old is Adam?" She asked.

"22?" I asked. Yeah, this time it definitely was a question.

"I rest my case. You two go and get to know each other." Allison says, ushering us out of the room.

Adam and I walked outside where we sat on the grass, overlooking LA.

"How do you know all those things about me?" I asked.

"When I like something I pay attention to the little details."

"I'm sorry for not knowing those things about you."

"It's fine." He says, which is followed by silence until he speaks again.

"So you and Jordan?"

"What about us?" I asked.

"You guys seem very...close."

"We're not together or anything. If that's what you're saying."

"So you've never..."

"God no. We've never slept together or even kissed for that matter. Me and Jordan are just friends." I say trying to not only reassure Adam but trying to reassure my self as well.

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