Fruit picking

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"Darci my darling, please remember to call me when you have time and don't forget to visit your grandparents. Ok sweetie" mother cries over the phone. I gently reply "Mother don't be worried I can take care of myself out here and I will visit grandmother and grandfather. Now please relax, I have to finish unpacking I will call you soon. Love you mother."
I end the call and finish off unpacking my clothes in the wardrobe after 20 minutes I finally feel more at home at my Malibu beach house.

My beach house ( well my grandparents beach house ) is so pure, with a hit of rustic throughout the house it is never a dull moment in the house. Think of it as an classic American house but on the beach my grandparents built the house in mind that they will have great times with friends and family.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a soft nock at the door, I skipped to on the door to see my grandparents are grinning from ear to ear, I hug both of them into a bear hug and shut the door behind me knowing we are going fruit picking. Every year since I could remember I would go fruit picking with my grandparents and make our family cheesecake with the fruits we have picked. As Grandpa Bloom is driving, Grandma grins to me and ask "So darling have you got everything ready for Uni?"
I start to reply until Grandpa interrupts, "Oh please don't stress her, she has 4 weeks left before she goes off. Let's relax and have Lana del ray lets crank it up!" One thing you need to know about my Grandpa is that he thinks he is 18 but he still is young at heart, he loves to do all things crazy like jetting off to Switzerland just to snowboard at a clean fresh layer of snow, It is really cute.

We all sang to all the songs that was on the radio for hours until we arrived to the fruit picking farm, the farm is beautiful with vibrant fruits blossoming in the farm and competently little cafe.

As my grandparents are at the farm I go and grab some baskets when I went to get the last basket, I knocked my head on object and look at the object in distress. I was startled to see that the "object" was a guy, the guy has deep brown eyes, light brunette hair that flopped over his left eyebrow and he has a loving warm smile.
"I am so sorry, it's totally my fault.I hope you are okay?" the brunette haired asked, I giggled " It's okay but I better get going, my grandparents are waiting for me" The brunette guy tucks his flopping hair behind his ear before he could say anything I was already off.

I jogged to back to my grandparents, we spent our hours enjoying picking different fruits, after we finished our fruits picking. Grandma noticed an friend of her as we sit at our table when grandpa order our food, I stick my nose in a book as I take in the beautiful tea garden.

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