Summer adventure

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We are still lounging around the pool, we both cuddle each other as we watch the sky change from candy floss pink to a velvet purple and then slowly muted into ashy black.
I jump out the pool as well as Doug, we pat our body dry and quickly put on our clothes as it was quite cold. We walk back to the barn and settled the horses.
Doug guides me to a separate room of the barn, where there are flat screen tv and comfy bean bags surrounding the glossy black tv.
"What do you want to watch, my darling" Doug ask as he is flicking through Netflix.
I quickly reply, "Love, Rosie"
He chuckles at my excitement and came to join me. As the movie starts I couldn't help myself but stare at Doug, his deep brown eyes glisten while he eyes are fixed onto the movie. Examining every single detail of him; he has soft short milky brown wavy hair, full bright rosé lips that compliment his sun kissed skin and light freckles that are spontaneously doted on his nose and cheeks.

"Is there something on my face" Doug softly says before tilting his head towards me. I got embarrassed for a second, "Oh yeah..oh no no...ugh. I am sorry I don't want to seem weird, but I was just thinking how a girl like me ends up with a super sweet guy like you." I huff and continue, "I mean look at me? I don't look like the type of girl who guys fall for..ha.. I just.. I just want my summer to the best. So Doug will you take this adventure with me?"
Feeling even more embarrassed because I didn't really plan what I was going to say: really Darci 'will you take this adventure with me' now we will think I am super weird.
All he has is a exciting grin.
"Darci Bloom you are something else, you are everything. I love to spend the rest of the summer with you. Just you and I." Doug says while holding my hands and then gently kisses them.
He pulls out his keyring that has a small globe attached to it and spins it then placed his finger on it, he moves his finger a bit and softly grins,
"I guess we are going to Paris, I hope you are ready to go tomorrow morning".
I nod at him with excitement beaming from my eyes.


"Morning beautiful! I hope you are excited for today" Doug says before loading our suitcase in boot of the taxi.
I reply, "It's going to be magical and urm romantic."
My cheeks hurt up Rudy red.
We both jump in the taxi and head to the airport with us talking about all the things are going to do this week.
After a long 14 hour flight we made it to the ever so elegant Paris, Doug takes the key to our hotel room and scan it to unlock the door then opens the door widely letting me enter our room first. I wonder around our hotel room that has a colour scheme of grey, white and mustard yellow. Traveling from the big bathroom to the cozy bedroom where I stumble upon a king size bed that has luxurious pillows, duvet and blankets. I turn my back to the bed and slowly relax myself on it, then popping one of the silky smooth chocolate that was nicely placed on the bed, I turn to Doug.
"Hi, did you know you there is only one bed?" I smile at him.
"Actually yes, they only had king size beds. I thought you would appreciate know, you will get to share the same bed with the hottest, coolest and lets not forget smartest guy  ever" Doug says while eating a chocolate and sitting on the bed.
I roll my eyes, "Ohh you are quite the opposite Douglas. There are more hotter and cooler guys than you..sorry" I tease him, he jokingly throws a pillow at me, which I dodge quickly.
I also add, "And oh yeah you are sleeping on the sofa bed...haha."
Doug looks at me with an menacing eye, I also look at him with the same eye. Then out of nowhere he pounces on me and starts to tickle me, which made me be laugh hysterically. I am trapped between his legs. I try to get out be every time it fails, then I got enough strength to roll on the bed making me go on top of him. I wave arms with victory and stuck my tongue out and pulling a silly face.
We both dial down from laughing so hard, I am still on top of him and his hands are on my waist. I lower my face towards his face and then gently kiss him. I slowly lay next to him, both turning to face each other.

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